I Admit to being a Sick Person, I Love Watching Klan Families Fight Among Themselves

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s stop ignoring the truth: the “Republican Party” is in total disarray and fighting among themselves. This was inevitable. When your party’s leader is a mentally deranged malignant narcissist, and is constantly surrounded by chaos and desperation, the trickle-down theory applies. Republicans Are Deserting a Sinking Ship Every day I read about an increasing number of right-wing politicians who are quietly breaking away from Trump’s hold over them. As the base of the once Grand Old Party continues to decline, a growing number of fake Republicans are looking elsewhere for support. In every primary state, a percentage of Republican voters who chose Trump say that they will not vote for him in the general election. I doubt they will vote for Biden, but if they choose not to vote, they will be supporting President Biden’s reelection. No One On the Right Side of the Aisle is Qualified to Hold Any Office at Any Level The most recent squabble inside...