America’s Military Budget Proves that our Government is Incompetent

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have no doubt that the brass in the Pentagon is pleased and proud that the government of the United States spends five-times more money on its military budget than all other nations combined. But why does our government continue to raise the Pentagon’s annual budget when it wastes 50 cents of every dollar they receive? (The latter according to several “watchdog groups.”) We are a nation which is constantly preparing for the next war. However, there are no plans for permanent peace. It is undeniable that if a third World War begins, it will end with the complete destruction of our planet. So, why does our military continue to pay for the manufacture of machines to fight ground wars? Not a single “conventional war” has been fought since WWII. Let me offer one classic example of military waste and plans for spending even more taxpayer dollars on equipment which will likely do nothing but gather dust until a new version comes along. Our military has about 3,700 Br...