
Showing posts with the label Plutocrats

Is Mitt Romney: Trump’s Latest Ass Kisser?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In a recent interview, retiring Utah Senator, Mitt Romney, had the following to say about Trump’s criminal indictments, and current and upcoming court dates. “I do. ... You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him. I'd have pardoned President Trump. Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.” Earlier, he claimed that he remains a critic of his party’s choice for the presidency, and denounced Trump’s criticism of our legal system. I have one question for Mr. Romney: “Are you suffering from dementia?” PARDONING TRUMP WOULD CONFIRM THAT HE IS ABOVE THE LAW AND OUR JUDICAL SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AND BIASED Trump’s facetious criticism of our legal system must be ignored. He is just another criminal who is angry because he got caught. He is no better than a low-level drug dealer who is caught wi

Billionaires are Also Plutocrats and Plutocrats are A**holes: But I’m Being Redundant

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   [Plutocrats: an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.] The entire right wing of our political spectrum is owned by billionaires. In 2017, a plan to move our capitalistic society into a plutocracy was completed by a wannabe billionaire who was pretending to be our president. The situation began in 1981 when another failed “Republican” was inaugurated. Ronald Reagan’s lies fooled many real Americans, including yours truly. I will tell you the truth no one else is willing to offer you. The TEA Party was created by the Koch brothers with the assistance of other billionaires. Its purpose remains gaining complete control or our nation’s government to secure their personal ambitions. This group of anti-Americans gave birth to an even more radical and destructive group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” In 2016, billionaire Robert Mercer took control of Donald Trump’s campaign in August and the rest is part of America’s dark hist