
Showing posts with the label Pathological Liar

Choosing Ignorance

  One thing all avid Trump supporters have in common is their choice to choose ignorance over fact. Although it is common knowledge that your illegitimate president is a pathological liar, a combination of Trump’s use of a philosophy adopted by Adolf Hitler, and their own need to see the worst in every situation, allows them to claim belief in the most ludicrous situations. Hitler believed that most people have a low level of intelligence. Therefore, telling them a lie over and over again will eventually allow them to accept a lie as “alternative fact.” The latest example of how easily Trump can make fools of his supporters happened just two days ago in the Oval Office. Ukraine President Zelenskyy met with Trump and Vance in the Oval Office. Vance began the encounter by attacking Zelenskyy, and Trump joined in. The exchange became heated and the President of Ukraine was told to leave. This was how Trump is “presidential.” Trump accused Zelenskyy of started the war which has now las...

If Your Last Name is Trump, Your Entire Life’s History is Built on Lies

It’s pitiful, but undeniably true. If this was an accurate description of my life, I would have committed suicide long ago. After researching Donald Trump for the last ten years, I know that your illegitimate president’s entire life’s story is built on lies. To this day, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. It was easy to learn that Trump’s educational history is manufactured, not earned. If this is untrue, why in 2017 did the old, obese, white man have all records related to his education sealed? I know from reading and watching the lowlights of his rallies that he never earned his diploma from Wharton and the same is undoubtedly true about his graduation from military boarding school. As he did to obtain deferments from serving in the Vietnam War, father Fred most certainly paid for his diplomas. Trump is virtually illiterate, refusing to or incapable of reading. His attention span is less than five minutes. Do you remember when he was in the Oval Office, on a rare occasion, engaged i...

Trump Was Lying: We Know Because his Lips were Moving

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The last time Trump told the truth was during the 2016 campaign when he claimed, “this election is rigged.” We now have proof that his campaign staff was in collusion with Vladimir Putin, and the election was illegitimate. Trump is desperate to distance himself from policies established by the Heritage Foundation called “Project 2025.” To sum up its contents, it is a list of fascist actions which would begin on day one if Trump wins the 2024 election. The truth is that every action proposed by Project 2025 was suggested by Trump during his hate rallies. By his own words and actions we know that he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. By his own words, he plans to become a dictator. By his own words, he will attempt to take revenge on anyone who dares disagree with him. HYPOCRISY AND THE “FOURTH ESTATE” The mainstream media is as corrupt as our government in Washington. If any Democrat had been convicted of a single felony, for sexual misconduct, at...

Hey, Lard Ass, the Last Time You Weighed 215 Pounds is the Day You Were Born

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Trump was indicted late last week in Georgia related to interference in the 2020 election, a “mug shot” was taken, and he was required to fill out a form listing his vitals. He listed his weight at 215 pounds. Stop laughing! He has not experienced a weight of 215 pounds for decades. Most recent photos reveal that his weight is more likely near 300 pounds. It's normal to gain weight with age. For the majority of my life, I weighed 175 pounds. Today, at age 77, and three weeks young than Trump, I weigh 210 pounds. I am just under six feet tall and in relatively good shape for my age and physical ailments. Trump is six-feet-three inches tall and obviously feeble. His diet is unhealthy, composed of fats and sugars. If his weight is 215 pounds, I am the king of the world. Trump’s entire life was built on lies, felonies, and misdemeanors. His mug shot reveals the heart and soul of a man composed of evil. Some may think he was being facetious; not true. This...