Choosing Ignorance

One thing all avid Trump supporters have in common is their choice to choose ignorance over fact. Although it is common knowledge that your illegitimate president is a pathological liar, a combination of Trump’s use of a philosophy adopted by Adolf Hitler, and their own need to see the worst in every situation, allows them to claim belief in the most ludicrous situations. Hitler believed that most people have a low level of intelligence. Therefore, telling them a lie over and over again will eventually allow them to accept a lie as “alternative fact.” The latest example of how easily Trump can make fools of his supporters happened just two days ago in the Oval Office. Ukraine President Zelenskyy met with Trump and Vance in the Oval Office. Vance began the encounter by attacking Zelenskyy, and Trump joined in. The exchange became heated and the President of Ukraine was told to leave. This was how Trump is “presidential.” Trump accused Zelenskyy of started the war which has now las...