
Showing posts with the label Coup

Will a Corrupted Supreme Court Ignore the Constitution Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart January 6, 2021, was by far the darkest day in American History. A sitting president executed an attempted coup which he previously organized, and planned with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi traitors. Hundred of men and women have been prosecuted and convicted for crimes including sedition, but none of them were charged with treason. Why, I will never know. Today it appears that the most corrupted Supreme Court in history is considering the invalidation of a large number of those convictions, which will eventually result in the acquittal of America’s greatest traitor who should be in prison today awaiting trial and possibly execution. Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in 247 years. IS THE END OF AMERICA ABOUT TO HAPPEN? Six justices, calling themselves “conservatives,” but in reality are right wing extremists, so far to the right they embrace fascism, appear to be in doubt about a law passed after the Enron scandal. [One pa

What is Merrick Garland Doing?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has violated the Constitution and civil laws more than any other man in history. He has no shame, morals, and no conscience. His violations of federal law include the two most egregious crimes against our nation: treason and sedition.   Why Hasn’t Merrick Garland Issued a Warrant for his Arrest?   Anyone who watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, witnessed the darkest day in our nation’s history. Over three hours my wife and I watched “Trump’s People,” members of Neo-Nazi groups and their sympathizers commit acts of violence as they searched for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi with the intent of murdering them.   There was no other word which came to mind other than treason. To learn that a sitting president had planned, organized, and executed an attempted coup did not seem real, did not seem possible.   In 1955 the Rosenbergs were executed for the same crime committed by your former fake president.   It was no secret that Trump stole 14 boxes of

Criminals on the Loose: Donald Trump, Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I believe that there are many more members of our federal government who are criminals than we are aware of. Hiding corruption under “for reasons of national security” is proof that the American government is the most corrupt and therefore the most incompetent in the world. However, three men are well-known for their crimes, and they have never been punished. Two are members of the House of Representatives and one has been allowed to run for the presidency thanks to a biased and criminal Supreme Court. The Constitution is now null and void. I know there are others who have openly committed lesser crimes, including support for Neo-Nazi groups who seek the end or our democratic government, and are in violation of the ethics clause. However, these three have been the most newsworthy. JUST TO NAME A FEW Jim Jordan was an assistant coach for the men’s wrestling team at Ohio State University. The team’s doctor was charged and convicted after several members of the tea

The Full Truth About the January 6 Attempted Coup

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart One thing the American voters will never see: a replay of the insurrection on January 6, 2021. I watched it as it happened, and anyone who sees the entire three hours, without any editing favorable to Trump, will see what I saw. I watched Trump stand atop a hastily constructed grandstand and order his “people,” led by Neo-Nazi organizers, to march to the Capitol Building and force Congress to halt the count of the Electoral College votes from November 3, 2020. He left the podium with another false promise that “he would join them.” Some of his fascist supporters were already at the Capitol. It wasn’t long until these traitors to America were breaking glass and smashing doors while forcefully shoving Capitol Policemen out of their way. One officer died, and 174 were injured by the vicious mob. Four officers died from suicide within seven months. The animals involved in the attempted overthrow defecated inside the building, destroyed office furniture, co

My Biggest Fear and the End of the United States of America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is undoubtedly a great thing for our nation’s future that Trump has been indicted for his organization, planning, and execution of the January 6, 2021 failed coup. However, if he is not convicted of sedition or treason, I am afraid that America will become extinct, and the dream will have become nothing but a memory. This is not a fear tactic, it is reality. If we have become a nation without laws, the Constitution, our traditions, our principles and values will become non-existent. If anyone has ever been convicted of our nation’s highest crime, how can Trump be exonerated? My wife and I watched all three hours of the January 6 insurrection, from the moment Trump ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College until the end of violence and desecration inside one of our most cherished buildings, and there can be no doubt about what happened on the darkest day in America’s history. This was the most egregious attack on the United