Putin and Neo-Nazis Seek Control of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I consistently claim that most Americans choose to be naïve, and even ignorant. They don’t want to know the truth. If they did understand what happens in our nation and the world, they would be forced to face reality, and how fragile their very existence might be. I heard a Trump supporter talking to a reporter. She proved my allegation without a doubt. She said: “Russia is not our enemy. They, (the government), treat their people better than ours.” Let’s be perfectly clear: Vladimir Putin remains #1 on the Post Office wall. From the day he became an officer in the KGB in 1975, Putin formed a two-pronged plan involving the free world and specifically the United States. First and foremost , end the NATO Alliance. Fact: the only reason there has never been a WWIII is the existence of an organization which has a policy stating that if one member is attacked, they are all under attack. With Sweden joining NATO last week, it is now comp...