America’s Petroleum Industries are a Tale of Greed, Lies, and Destruction

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “America is a business, not a country.” This was a line spoken by Brad Pitt in a movie more than a decade ago. Sadly, it is based on fact. In 2024 our nation’s greedy corporations have left capitalism behind, and have created a Plutocracy. Our country’s 760+ billionaires have complete control of the former Grand Old Party, and partial control over some Democrats. They make every decision which will affect your life and the lives of those you love. At the top of the “worst of the worst” is America’s petroleum industry. They have lied to the American people throughout my 77 years. Whenever they find the smallest excuse, they raise prices unnecessarily. Although they have few restrictions about where they are allowed to drill for oil and gas, no new refineries have been built in more than three decades. THE TRANSPORT AND DRILLING FOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ARE DANGEROUS TO HUMAN LIFE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Drilling for petroleum products is a dangerous profession. Ev...