Real Republicans, Real Americans Would Never Vote for Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Today, former Speaker of the House and 2012 Vice-Presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, announced that he will not be voting for Trump in November. “Character is too important for me,” Ryan told us at the Milken Institute Global Conference. “[The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.” For you and me, this means Trump is unfit for office. Our presidents should be great men or great women, not simpletons whose only priority is themselves. NO ONE WHO LOVES THIS COUNTRY WOULD EVEN THINK ABOUT WASTING THEIR VOTE ON DONALD TRUMP I repeat myself, because it’s important: only an American should be allowed to be our President. Trump has proven himself disloyal to the American people. If elected, he would choose not to serve anyone who does not support him. His loyalty is to Vladimir Putin and the Saudi Royal Family, not to the United States of America. PAUL RYAN WILL REMAIN A HYPOCRITE I cannot deny that I am not a big fan of Paul Rya...