If You are a Working-Class Man or Woman, You Probably Hate Petroleum Corporations
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From the time I could afford to purchase my first automobile, I began to understand why everyone complained about gas prices. Now, at the mature age of 77, I can tell you why they piss of f just about everyone . The oil and gas industry began the practice of “Greedflation” about 50 years ago. Whenever they had ac cidents , spills or were forced to make expensive repairs to their aging equipment, they would arbitrarily raise prices at the pump. If you live near a resort area, like me, you notice that the prices are much higher in that area than where you live. I live near Lake Tahoe, and not only is this a fact, the se companies raise prices down here in Reno and up in Lake Tahoe prior to every holiday. Tahoe no longer has a commercial airport. LAST WEEK TRUMP OFFERED 20 OIL EXECUTIVES A BRIBE It was revealed that last week Trump met with 20 gas and oil executives at Mar-a-Lago. He told them that if they would donate one-b...