Trump Attempts to Hide His Real Name, While Mocking Nikki Haley’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In another demonstration of his adamant beliefs in racism and bigotry, and unable to criticize her for her position on the issues, Trump is attacking Nikki Haley for not using her birth name. You see, Ms. Haley’s ancestors came to America from India, and although she has always used her middle name, “Nikki,” her birth name is “Nimbra.” My family’s origin is Prussian. I have been called “James” all of my life. However, its origin is from the name “Jakob.” So what? Although today’s fake Republicans attempt to deny this fact, we are all immigrants. Donald Trump’s family changed their surname from “Drumpf” to Trump. The primary reason, according to history, is based on the fact that the Drumpf family left Germany in disgrace and was not allowed to return. Like his Grandson, Friederich Drumpf was a draft dodger. This is why the family attempted to hide the fact that they are German immigrants. The truth is the worst president in American history, who has become...