If You are Loyal to Trump, and Although Your Skin May be Dark, You are not a Black American

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Early in 2017, Trump, by his own words, admitted that he was the leader of the white supremacy movement in America. Trump’s attempted coupe on January 6 was led by leaders of several Neo-Nazi groups. If we go back to the late 1960’s, when Trump worked for his racist father, if a Black man or woman sought residence in one of Fred’s apartment buildings, a large, red “C” was placed at the top of the application. You cannot be a Black American and support the whitest man with the whitest agenda in America. A Modern Day “Uncle Tom” Byron Donalds is a Republican Representative from Florida. Although he has skin which would define him as a “Black American,” he is not. He is a Trump supporter. When asked if he would accept the vice-presidential nomination if Trump offered it to him, his response was, “who wouldn’t?” Desperation and Stupidity are an Ugly Combination During another of his many, many hate speeches, Trump claimed that becau...