Torture and Murder in Service to Jesus Christ?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Everyone and everything somehow receive a free pass when done in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the basic Christian philosophy, if you are one of millions who use the Bible for your own benefit, to protect your personal beliefs. Not for true believers. I dare anyone who proclaims themselves to be a Christian, to show me anywhere in the New Testament where Christ encourages and approves torture and murder. Until I was 16, I was a Catholic. As a pre-teen I considered the priesthood as an option. I read the Bible, and continue to believe that Jesus Christ was a man of peace and love. It is of no concern for me if He was the Son of God, or a prophet, his words had deep, spiritual meaning. Someone should explain these facts to radical “Christian” groups, supported by many of our leaders in Washington, including the last Supreme Court Justice confirmed by Moscow Mitch McConnell’s political party. On Thursday, 9/14/23, five adults and one 15-year-old girl were...