Hush Money Trial Reveals Trump’s Real Age, Among Other Things

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When he’s not displaying an uncontrollable temper, Trump is falling asleep and farting during his criminal trial in New York. This is expected from a very old and obese man who is clearly physically and mentally challenged. Late night comics make jokes about President Biden’s age, but the truth is that Trump is much older than Mr. Biden. He is undoubtedly lacking a serious number of brain cells, and is 60-80 pounds overweight. “Big Adolf” could never function as our nation’s president. WHAT COULD BE THE CAUSE OF “TRUMPLE STILSKIN’S” NEED TO NAP? Two theories have risen to explain his need for sleep during a serious criminal trial. One is that he has been using drugs to stay alert, but does not have access to them in a court of law. Another is that he may be going deaf. It is not unusual for men “of a certain age” to fall asleep after hearing loss. Simply by watching him on television, it is clear that Trump is losing control of several physical abilities, and by...