An Embarrassing First for America: A Convicted Felon is the Choice of the Republican Party
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, let me say that May 30, 2024 will be remembered as one of the most American days in our nation’s nearly 248-year history. Trump’s conviction on all counts proved that no one is above the law. This was a day when equality became a reality. However, yesterday will also be at the top of the list of most embarrassing days in American history. It will be matched with November 8, 2016, when Trump was gifted the Electoral College in a rigged election, and our government knew about the efforts of Vladimir Putin but did nothing. Millions of ignorant voters chose the least qualified candidate in history who openly indicates that he hates America. LET’S GET TO THE PART WHICH WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH, MAYBE Here’s a fact which is very difficult to believe. Trump’s failed party will continue to support him. Those morons who supported Trump prior to his conviction will continue to support him. His name will be on ballots in 50 states. If he wins, the leader of our nation wi...