
Showing posts with the label Debate

Republicans Admit that they are Incapable of Winning a Secure and Fair Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are of average intelligence, you have no doubt that the 2020 election was as described by Trump’s own ‘election czar,’ “the most secure and fair election in history.” The truth about the 2020 election is that when there is a large voter turnout Democrats typically win the important races. A lower turnout reveals apathy from Democrats and Independents, and Republicans have a greater opportunity to be victorious. TRUMP, REPUBLICANS, AND FOX NEWS ARE TELLING US THAT HE CANNOT WIN THE DEBATE OR THE GENERAL ELECTION Sean Hannity on Fox News, other Trump fake journalists on even more extreme broadcasts, and Trump himself are all making excuses for Trump’s loss in next Wednesday’s televised debate. Let’s be totally truthful; Trump has never participated in a legitimate debate. Some might think it’s because he is virtually illiterate. However, not once has he answered a direct question. He uses the same ridiculous tactic he used during his press conferences betwe

One Way or Another, There Will Not be a Debate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t know why, but President Biden has agreed to debate Trump. Debating is another thing about which Trump knows nothing. We watched him with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and again with Mr. Bid en in 2020: those were not debates. Trump knows nothing and doesn’t care about the issues, so a debate is not possible .   Trump Does Not Want to Debate the President   Candidates set the rules and location for debates. I am pos itive that the conditions demanded by Trump will be ludicrous and Mr. Biden will not agree with his asinine demands.   There is no Reason for a “Debate”   The first debates I watched were between Richard Nixon, and John Kennedy in 1960. We learned exactly where both candidates stood the most important issues .   Watching how the two men reacted with facial expressions and body lan guage gave us additional insight into the veracity of both men.   Trump walked around and behind Hillary Clinton in 2016. He appeared to be insane, and later

Networks Urge President Biden to Debate Trump: Why?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is totally incapable of taking part in a debate. First of all , he knows nothing about the issues and cannot and would not answer a direct question. Second, we watched him make an ass of himself in 2016 and again in 2020. He talked over Hillary and President Biden and attempted to belittle his adversar ies . He proved that he is nothing but an orange buffoon . Third , the President has nothing to gain from what would be a sideshow . Why should he waste his time?   When Trump Testifies, if He Does, It Will Be More of the Same   Trump is virtually illiterate . He continues to mumble and stumble, making false statements in an attempt to bring out negative emotions. The primary reason I doubt that he will testify is simple. If he uses the same ridiculous tactics, avoiding a direc t answer to a direct question in a court of law, he can be cited for contempt and sent directly to jail , which is where he should be today. Treason, sedition, and violatin