This List Proves that Trump Never Was an American President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On November 8, 2016, Trump secured a win in the Electoral College with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media. His presidency was illegitimate. I never once referred to him as “President.” From day one he committed violations against the Constitution including a ban on all Muslims with the exception of those from Saudi Arabia, and violating the Emoluments Clause. He was impeached for the first time when he attempted to bribe the leader of a foreign nation, and a second time when he organized, planned, and executed a failed coup while still in office in 2021. On both occasions Republican Senators gave him a free pass, finding him not guilty. The truth reveals that Trump is above the law, and proves that America is biased in favor of the rich and powerful. We have become a lawless nation. Although he learned about a threat to the American people in December of 2019, he refused to anything about an approaching coronavirus, tel...