Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Okay, I let it out. Hopefully this is the last of my negative emotions today. It’s my own fault. I read too much. Few things affect me deeply. I refuse to be lied to. Once someone, anyone, lies to me, the relationship is over. Whether it be friend or family, earning my respect is equal to my ability to give unrestricted love. Last, but not least, I abhor anyone who chooses ignorance over fact. I call them “idiots.” This is the term I now use to describe Trump’s political party, his cult, fake newspersons, anyone who supports Trump in 2024. TRUMP IS AN EMPTY, VENGEFUL, AND DARK VESSEL I consider myself an informed, intelligent voter. Political party affiliation will never be a factor. First and foremost, my choice is based on the issues most important to me and those I love. I research the candidates and select the one most closely aligned with my needs and wishes. Secondly, he or she must possess a sincere sense of morality and compass...