
Showing posts with the label Corrupt

SCOTUS: Six Politicians in White Robes Dyed Black

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I still feel the sadness and the emotional pain when it became real that Moscow Mitch McConnell, in concert with the Federalist Society, had stacked the Supreme Court with right-wing extremists. No longer would the highest Court in the land be the only branch of our to government to save the Constitution and therefore democracy in America. I remain ‘on the fence’ about John Roberts, but I am absolutely positive that five of the justices on today’s Court are wearing white robes which have been dyed black. Their beliefs are so far to the right it is clear that they support replacing democracy with fascist rule. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have been patiently waiting for the time when their reasons for being on the Court were fulfilled. They have been on the Court since 1991 and 2006. Trump and Moscow Mitch added two men and one woman who were unfit to serve on the highest Court in the land, but would join with other politically biased men and gain the ultimat

How Much Longer Will America Have a Postal Service

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   You might remember the name Louis DeJoy . Thanks to Trump, he is now the Postmaster General of the United States. You might wonder why he is attempting to destroy the institution he was chosen to run.   First of all , he is a Trump supporter, and that means he is not very smart. Secondly, he is a businessman   whose major ambition is to run a privatized mail delivery service.   Few of you will be aware of what he is doing to Northern Nevada. He is making a major change which will likely cost Norther n Nevada residents their jobs and cause huge delays in our state’s mail delivery.   Although he has received many complaints listing justifiable fears related to eliminating the sorting stations in Reno and placing them in Sacramento, California, he refuses to listen to the people his organization serves.   Sacramento is 136 miles west of Reno. However, the mileage is only one concern. In the winter months, I-80, the highway between the two cities, crosses th