I Demand NFL Officials Wear Clown Costumes Instead of Zebra Stripes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I watched a lot of NFL football this weekend. I am positive that the league officials I watched refused to go to the NFL sponsored school and instead attended clown college. Overall they were inept and on occasion altered the outcome of a few games. I doubt that most football fans realize that there are no “professional” referees in the NFL. All of them have full-time jobs. Officiating is a “second job” for all of them. They are not trained or held accountable as are the officials in Major League Baseball or the NBA. I have seen playoff games and even Super Bowls lost or won because of the decision of officials who were not watching the same game I was. This is not just wrong, it’s criminal. Roger Goodell’s team cannot be criticized without receiving serious punishment. I began complaining about NFL officials after watching a New England Patriot’s game years ago. What I saw was very upsetting, and why I no longer make bets on NFL games, although I live in ...