
Showing posts with the label Military

64 Innocent Lives Lost: We Can Expect Another Government Cover-Up

The military of the United States of America is justifiably described as the “largest and most expensive in the world.” After reading and writing about the Pentagon for more than 10 years, I have one word to describe our nation’s military leaders: “incompetent.” First, the cost. Multiple watchdog groups claim that 50 cents out of every dollar allotted to the Pentagon is wasted. After what I have learned, they are correct. It may be more than 50 cents since Afghanistan and Iraq. Most importantly, the most powerful military force in the world has lost every war since WWII. Thousands of lives and trillions of dollars have been lost; all for nothing. On Wednesday a preventable tragedy happened in the skies above Washington D.C. An American Airlines passenger aircraft collided with a military Blackhawk helicopter, killing 64 in the airliner, and three crewmen aboard the Blackhawk. Regardless of the explanations yet to come, what the hell was a military aircraft doing in the path of a schedu...

Fact: Law Enforcement and Judges Cannot be Trusted: What About our Military?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let's look at what happened in America since 2017, and the truth about the darkest day in Ame rican history, January 6, 2021.   First, let me tell you about how time is the greatest teacher of all . As I moved from childhood and became a young adult, I realized that I had been a child of white privilege . Therefore, I had always trusted law enforcement, the justice system , and our military leaders , virtually anyone older than me, or in a position of power.   Education is not entirely the result of schools and books. I know that experien ce is often of greater value than formal education.     I was sixteen in 1962 before I learned about the “two Americas.” This is not a phrase popular in 2024, but it remains a reality, l ike it or not. I left Parochial School in my junior year of high school . I enrolled in a public high school . I was now a student in an institution which had a diverse student body and offered additional free...

Donald Trump Calls the Soldiers Who Died on this Day 80 Years Ago “Fools,” and “Suckers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Another truth you will never hear from the “fake news,” and that includes all of it, is that Donald Trump is a “draft dodger.” Father Fred purchased two deferments for his son, preventing his serving in the Vietnam War. I wonder how many “things” Fred Trump paid for in Donald Trump’s life. I question the legitimacy of his diploma from Wharton College. I have known several individuals who attended Ivy League schools, and all of them have the ability to communicate with others effectively. Trump displays his own unique form of illiteracy, constantly. We know that Fred Trump gave his son 413 million dollars after he “graduated” from college. We also know that Donny lost every penny. By 1999 he was facing bankruptcy. You might remember that this situation involved one of his first big lies. In 2015, Trump told his supporters that Fred Trump gave him just one-million dollars and from that relatively small amount of money, he built a real estate empire. Trump has neve...

Why Would our Government and our Military Leaders Say “F**k You When Our Soldiers Return Home?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In my youth I was taught one lesson above all others, to respect authority. In the 1950s this included my priest, the nuns, my mother, our nation’s leaders, the military, law enforcement, and virtually anyone older than I was. This may have been a reality in my youth, I’m not sure. However today, at age 77, I know I was taught some lessons which were not entirely accurate. First and foremost respect cannot be given freely, it must be earned. The 21 st century is the communication age, where information is instant, thanks to an array of communication satellites circling the earth, the truth is exposed, and cannot always be hidden as it was in the past. Therefore, nearly every individual or group on my previous list no longer has my respect. By the time I reached my junior year in high school I no longer believed in religion. I learned that every faith-based organization is founded on fairy tales, and religions were not founded by gods, but...