If Trump, Haley, and DeSantis are the Best the GOP has to Offer, the Once Grand Old Party is in Deep Shit

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Seriously? If an old, obese, lifelong criminal, and fascist, a two-faced hypocrite, and an obvious moron who continues to battle Disney, hates minorities, is a confirmed misogynist, and a homophobe, are the best the former Republican Party has to offer, they are truly standing in shit up to their chins. Not one of them, or anyone else they might offer is qualified to lead our diverse nation of more than 330 million people. Not a single man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” in 2024 is capable of becoming an average president. They have proven themselves not only incompetent, but unwilling to lead our nation forward into the 21 st century. The truth is, the “Party of Lincoln” has not existed since 1981, and became a party of extremists with the advent of the TEA Party in 2010. They are now so far to the right they openly support fascism and all of its evils. There is virtually no difference in physical age between Trump and President Biden. Howev...