Nothing Important to the American People is Accomplished Without Democratic Leadership

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans are incapable of leading America. This was proven most recently by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. They caused enormous damage to our economy and are responsible for the increase in our national debt and income inequality thanks to their use of “trickle-down economics.” Let’s focus on how important accomplishments are not possible without Democratic leadership. HELP FROM AMERICA’S GREATEST PRESIDENT I would be happy to debate two issues with anyone: in our nation’s history, who were the greatest and the worst presidents? Although it didn’t require a group of presidential historians to decide that Donald John Trump will forever be the worst president in American history, I’m glad they confirmed what we already knew. Not only did he fail to accomplish one thing in four years, he attempted to overthrow our government before being evicted from the White House. He brags about many things, none of them t...