
Showing posts with the label Hitler

History Repeating Itself as Trump Continues to ‘Channel’ Hitler

In December of 2019, Trump was impeached for the first time. His crime was attempting to bribe the President of Ukraine. He demanded “dirt” on Hunter and Joe Biden, in exchange for American aid. This month, Trump banned Ukraine President Zelenskyy from peace talks in Saudi Arabia unless he surrenders half of his nation’s precious minerals to America in exchange. It is a fact, criminals repeat their crimes, including your illegitimate president. Trump knows no other way of “doing business” other than illegally. This is his real “Art of the Deal.” I’m no longer going to be a ‘nice guy.’ The truth must be told, regardless of how crude that might be. Donald Trump is a moron, a con man, and a traitor to his country. He deserves anything bad which happens to him. Not once in his pitiful 78 years has he done anything for anyone else but himself. The ten years he spent at Jeffrey Epstein’s side should be enough to prevent him from holding any office at any level of government, in any country. ...

This is not My Country, Apparently This is the One You Chose

i If you’ve listened to one Trump speech, you’ve heard them all. Regardless of how they begin, they will always include fear, anger, hatred, and a suggestion of violence in his name. Unable to accept the slightest criticism, Trump is a vengeful man who is incapable of compassion for his fellow man. He has a mental defect known as “malignant narcissism,” and this prevents him from possessing normal human attributes. After Trump was gifted the presidency by the Electoral College in 2016, with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported an 800 percent increase in hate crime. Between 2017 and 2021, every time Trump opened his pie hole, he offered his supporters the beliefs of men and women involved in the Neo-Nazi movement across America. Unless you were visiting another planet between 2015 and today, you are aware that his idols are Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. Read this definition, and tell me you can find one part...

“If it Walks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, It’s a Duck”

If he Talks Like a Fascist and Acts Like a Fascist, He’s a Fascist Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Adolf Hitler was given control of Germany in 1933. He and his Nazi Party were fascists who literally brainwashed an entire nation into believing that they would revive Germany’s economy and lead their nation to a new level of “greatness.” They sacrificed their freedoms and surrendered their basic human rights to a demagogue. All rational thoughts disappeared as Hitler’s propaganda machine convinced an entire country that everything he said was fact and that his orders must be obeyed. Sound familiar? Last Sunday Trump held another hate rally, this time in Madison Square Garden. The event featured six hours of crude and racist rhetoric, and has been compared to a rally supporting Hitler’s fascist beliefs in 1939. Trump’s “people” are denying the undeniable: Trump is a Nazi and would stablish a fascist regime if he is elected. Men who were members of his White House staff between 2017 and 2021 confi...

“He Did Some Good Things”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is a dirty little secret the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle don’t want you to know. However, those of us who are avid and even obsessive readers found an article published for a single day revealing Trump worship of the greatest villain in world history. Friends of Trump’s first wife, Ivana, claim that she told them that Trump read Adolf Hitler’s 1930’s speeches every night before he went to sleep. There was another article by Politico revealing a meeting the couple attended in Moscow at the invitation of Vladimir Putin and the KGB in 1987. It is obvious that Trump and Putin’s relationship began 37 years ago, not after his pitiful inauguration in 2017. Trump continues to maintain a close relationship with his handler today. He supports the illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine, and praises him for being a “strong leader” who has his adversaries murdered. Recently it was revealed that during a private conversation, Trump exposed ...

Hitler, Putin, Trump: Three Men Whose Fascist Plans Harmed Millions

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Project 2025 and Trump are linked forever. Every proposal in the 922-page document has been promised by Trump during his vile and vicious hate rallies. Every plan in the document is based on the precepts of fascism. I have accurately called Trump a “fascist” for more than nine years. I am now joined by many of the men and women who know him best. Retired Marine Corp General John Kelly was Trump’s Chief of Staff. He was asked about Trump’s agenda for 2024. “Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It’s a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy,” Kelly said. “So certainly, in my experience, those are the kinds of things that he thinks would work better in terms of running America.” General Mark Milley was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump’s failed administration. ...

Trump’s Idols: Putin and Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We all know that Trump is Putin’s puppet, although some deny the truth in public. However, I read a story a few months ago that you will never see or hear from the mainstream media. Trump’s first wife, Ivana, told several of her friends that her husband read Adolf Hitler’s speeches every night before going to sleep. From my research, the orange buffoon adopted a number of Hitler’s tactics during his speeches attended by men and women who share his anger and hatred for anyone who refuses to agree with their dark views of our nation’s future. Trump’s endless rants about the “fake news” was a thinly guarded effort to ensure that the right wing propaganda machine, Fox News, was the only fake news network they would listen to. Fox constantly hides the real Donald Trump from the public. Another of Trump’s tactics comes directly from Hitler’s manifesto. “If you tell weak-minded and uninformed men and women a lie often enough, they will eventually accept it as the truth...

Putin Remains America’s Greatest Enemy, and a Greater Danger and Villain to the World than Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I learned in school about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi horde. I was about 12 when I read about the egomaniac who sought the elimination of an entire population and world domination. As a Catholic, we were taught about Judaism and the people who lived their lives according to the laws contained in the Torah. It was unimaginable that one man’s hatred would be responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Could this happen again today in America? PUTIN IS WORSE THAN HITLER In 2024, the world is facing an even greater threat to the continued existence of humankty. His name is Vladimir Putin. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime against every person in the world. He is slaughtering innocents for no reason other than to satisfy his own inflated ego. This little man obviously has “Bonapart’s Syndrome.” He is killing men, women, and children who have close ties with other men, women, and children in R...

Trump has Earned the Title of “Big Adolf”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Historians, both professional and amateurs like yours truly, will tell you that Trump’s 2024 campaign is following Adolf Hitler’s playbook exactly. He continues to tell the same lies over and over again, and knows that the people will begin to believe them. He is now in complete control of all right-wing media, another of Hitler’s ambitions, and a huge part of his plan. On occasion Trump even quotes the Nazi leader.   Some Americans are aware that either Trump cannot read well or simply hates to make the effort. However, his first wife, Ivana, told friends, and later reporters, that he laid in bed every night reading the text of Hitler’s speeches. There can be no doubt that Trump is a fascist and has his own Neo-Nazis as his personal army.   Why “Big Adolf?”   I wanted to define Trump as something other than what historians describe him: the worst. president in American history. I constantly call him the orange buffoon, because that is b...

Like his Protege, Putin Refuses to Accept Blame for His Failures

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   At least 133 dead, the venue virtually destroyed, ISIS claimed responsibility, but Putin blames Ukraine. Sound familiar? “Passing the buck” and ignoring reality is not an exclusive tactic by Donald Trump.   This weekend there was a concert at a Moscow theater. When the dust settled from a bomb, at least 133 people were pronounced dead, and dozens more injured. Almost immediately a group of ISIS terrorists claimed responsibility. 19 hours later Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his denial that a terrorist group other than his adversaries in Ukraine committed the heinous crime.   His comments were reminiscent of Adolf Hitler in 1930’s Germany.   On February 27, 1933, a threat against Hitler’s Nazi regime was recorded. Within hours the Parliament Building was burned to the ground. It was a well-known fact that a Dutch terrorist had issued the threat, but Hitler refused to tell the German people the truth.   “You are now witnessin...