How Incompetent is our Government in Washington? I give you DST

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let me give you a simple but accurate example of how incompetent your government has become. Most of our nation’s people, about 80 percent, want to end the useless process of changing our clocks twice a year. Daylight Savings Time serves no purpose, is annoying, and even dangerous in several situations. For more than 40 years our nation’s people have expressed their support for ending this ludicrous process, and for more than 40 years our government has ignored us. Our government no longer serves our needs and wishes, it works for itself and the super-rich. Sleep deprivation, a sudden change in the level of the sun, these are just two of the situations created by a sudden change of time. If there was a single reason why this process should continue, I have not read anything which is realistic. Once again, this situation can be explained by three words, “follow the money.” States which rely on tourism, such as Florida are opposed...