There’s no Other Way to Say it: America’s Messed Up

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have no idea how many articles I have written about mass shootings in America. It disgusts me to know that domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to life in my country in the 21 st century. Humans are expected to progress, not regress. I am especially upset at the fact that most of the violence would end immediately if our corrupt and incompetent federal government would get off their fat asses and do the jobs for which they were elected. More Than the Number of Days on the Calendar Mass shootings are defined as “a single incident in which four or more individuals were wounded or killed with the use of a gun” Since 2017, the year Trump became your illegitimate president, there have been more mass shootings than days on the calendar. The reality is clear: the United States is the most dangerous country in the world. It is no longer safe to shop in a grocery store, workout at a gym, eat at a restaurant, go to the movies, enjoy an evening with your friends at...