What If: How Vladimir Putin’s Agent Attempted to Destroy America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart November 8, 2016 should have been a day of celebration for every American. As the polls closed, Hillary Clinton was winning the popular vote. America would have not only its first woman president, it would have chosen the most qualified candidate in history to lead our nation for the next four years. Of course this did not happen. When the votes were counted in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan a total of less than 80,000 total votes allowed these three states to decide who would be our president. The Electoral College negated the will of the people as it did in 2000.. How did this happen? I and others were confused for weeks. However, although our government denies the facts today, a story was released and then quickly redacted about a meeting held in the Oval Office in October of 2016. The subject of the meeting was to inform our nation’s leaders about the results of an investigation by all 17 agencies of America’s intelligence community completed on Octob...