
Showing posts with the label Fascists

Revolution for Retribution

  With all three branches of our government corrupted and dysfunctional, I believe that it is time to prepare for a second American Revolution. Our country has existed for nearly 249 years. I assume that most of you share my love for the principles of our Founding Fathers expressed in the Bill of Rights. I can promise you that I will never surrender my rights to the Nazis in control of Washington today. Between 1941 and 1945, more than 400,000 Americans gave their lives in a unified effort to defeat fascism. However, nearly one-half of all of our nation’s people, and about two-thirds of the members of the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court support the end of democracy and the establishment of an all-white fascist regime. If a revolution is necessary, let it be. I am a pacifist, but the survival of the United States demands confrontation, let it be. If Trump and Musk resist and force is required to remove them from the White House, so be it. Trump and Musk proved that they a...


Fact: Trump has never accomplished one thing through his own efforts in 78 ½ years. However, he is very good at “undoing” great things. The label Trump has earned is “regressive.” If the last two weeks are indicative of what is happening to our government, the United States will be less significant than Lithuania but with a huge and unnecessary army within his first six illegitimate months in office. Trump and Musk, with guidance from Putin, are destroying everything which made America a respected nation. After studying Project 2025 and Mein Kampf, Musk and Trump learned how to destroy a country from within and remake it in their own twisted image. I have no doubt that Putin has been of great assistance to the two traitors. The easiest way to destroy a country is by removing everything it stands for. This is exactly what is contained in the modern day fascist manifesto, the 922-page Project 2025. Although Trump lied during the 2024 campaign, claiming that he knew nothing about it, ever...

Beelzebub’s Right Hand Man Calling Musk “Evil”

When I write articles for my blog, I realize that I have often been naïve. I truly believed that most of the people who read my rants are somewhat informed American citizens. Now I know that I must “speak down” to some of the individuals who choose to read the truth. Steve Bannon. A brief history of this anti-American begins with the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump. In August of 2016, after another woefully unqualified right-wing extremist, Ted Cruz, ended his bid to win the Republican presidential nomination, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, moved his money, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon to Trump’s campaign. Bannon would be Trump’s new campaign manager. After his illegitimate win in the Electoral College, Bannon moved into the White House as the chief strategy adviser. It wasn’t long until a tumultuous relationship began between the two arrogant and egotistical men and Bannon was fired in August of 2017. In 2022 Bannon was charged and convicted for defying congress. He had been ord...

Synonyms: House of Representatives and Obstructionists

How can we prove that the House of Representatives is dysfunctional? The Freedom Caucus is in control. In January of 2015, a small group of right-wing extremists calling themselves the Freedom Caucus took control of the House of Representatives. There are 435 members in the House, and right-wing extremists control the majority and have since January 3, 2022. Although the misnamed Freedom Caucus only has about 42 members, they are so extreme in support of their fascist leader, Donald Trump, cowardly moderate Republicans surrender to the demands of the few in a sad display of misguided loyalty. You know some of their names: Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and until recently, Matt Gaetz. Knowing these woefully unqualified members of the House are part of this fascist-leaning group gives you some insight into the lack of integrity, morals, and true patriotism among these 40+ individuals. With the Freedom Caucus radicals in contro...

Gaetz is a Huge Creep: (Who Would Have Thought It?)

The House reneged on its past policies and decided not to hide the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz actions, claiming “for reasons of national security.” He is far worse than anyone would have believed. His drug use is far more pervasive than we were led to believe. He spent huge amounts of money paying for sex. Not only did he frequently have sex with young, underage women, he transported some across state lines. One more thing which confirms the idiocy of the people of Florida. They elected and reelected the criminal. In January, with their “Don” returning to the White House, the Washington Mafia will be intact. Never, never forget that your “stable genius” president nominated a man without morals and principles for the office of our country’s top law enforcement officer. The big question is the same question real Americans ask about Donald Trump: why are they not in a federal holding cell awaiting trial for their many crimes. I know of cases where law enforcement uses the slimme...

On November 5th I Learned Something: I am no Longer Living in the America I Loved and Respected

I saw the signs, but ignored them. I wanted to believe that the American people were beginning to move forward and join all developed nations, moving bravely into the 21 st century. I have been wrong before, but this one is both painful and frightening. Statistics are not something I trust, most of the time. The mainstream media is no longer interested in facts, their goal is to increase advertising revenue. However, some facts, produced from statistical analysis after the election, are undeniable. The results of the 2024 presidential election proved that there are more of them than us. The number of people who share Trump’s beliefs in racism, misogyny, anger, hatred, violence, and revenge, or in a single word, “fascism,” is greater than the number of people who believe in the principles of what it once meant to be an American. What does this mean? It’s simple and extremely sad: my America, the country I loved and respected throughout most of 78 years, ceased to exist nine years ago. ...

“He Did Some Good Things”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is a dirty little secret the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle don’t want you to know. However, those of us who are avid and even obsessive readers found an article published for a single day revealing Trump worship of the greatest villain in world history. Friends of Trump’s first wife, Ivana, claim that she told them that Trump read Adolf Hitler’s 1930’s speeches every night before he went to sleep. There was another article by Politico revealing a meeting the couple attended in Moscow at the invitation of Vladimir Putin and the KGB in 1987. It is obvious that Trump and Putin’s relationship began 37 years ago, not after his pitiful inauguration in 2017. Trump continues to maintain a close relationship with his handler today. He supports the illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine, and praises him for being a “strong leader” who has his adversaries murdered. Recently it was revealed that during a private conversation, Trump exposed ...

Proof Trump and his Fascist Party are Obstructionists, and why Our Government is Dysfunctional

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A couple of months ago, President Biden, his party, and Republicans in Congress agreed to a plan which would help secure our southern border. However, a phone call from Trump to the House Freedom Caucus forced the bill to fail. Over the last few days, his American Fascist Party, blocked a bill protecting the rights of perspective parents to obtain an IVF procedure. Trump recently lied, claiming that he supported the process, but I and others knew better. Yesterday, House Republicans squashed its own plan to prevent a government shutdown . Can you say “incompetence.” AN ENTIRE PARTY CONTROLLED BY A DEMAGOGUE: NO FREE THOUGHT ALLOWED Anyone who can prove to me that the “Republican Party ” exists in Washington today, I will be happy to retract this article. The facts prove that every man and woman on the right side of the aisle today surrendered their power, free thought, dignity, and self-respect on January 20, 2017. I offer you an irrefutable fact: a democratic g...

“I Don’t Know How to Think, That’s Why I’m a Republican”

Op-ed by James Turnage The Party of Lincoln began a slow death in 1981. When Ronald Reagan became our 40 th president, he met with party leaders and made a single demand: absolute loyalty. His policies and vision for our nation were to be supported unconditionally, Dissent would not be tolerated, and if this demand was not accepted, their future elections would not be supported by him and every other Republican. This policy continued throughout the administrations of George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Insiders claim that most Republicans despise Trump, but fear losing votes from his cult. The sad truth is this oath to serve their party’s leader removes the First Amendment rights of all Republican politicians. America is all about the exchange of ideas and without free thought, and dissent, fascism has become an acceptable inclusion into the platform of today’s fake Republican Party. “Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agre...

This Republican, “Do Nothing Congress,” is Taking a Long Summer Vacation

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A government shutdown could happen at the end of September. Twelve bills were scheduled to come up for a vote within a week. However, Speaker Mike Johnson and his fellow Freedom Caucus cronies decided to cancel next week’s work schedule and begin their six-week summer vacation. What a job: collect a paycheck and do nothing for it. To date, the 118 th Congress has passed just 70 bills. The average is 200-600 per year. Not only are Republicans incompetent, they refuse to make their own decisions. Trump controls the Freedom Caucus, and tells them how to vote. Non-Freedom Caucus members bow to their demands. AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS THE MOST CORRUPT IN THE FREE WORLD Only the worst Supreme Court in American history is exempt from the election process. Big mistake. The other 537 government officials in Washington are elected, public servants. The duties of the President, Vice-President, 100 Senators, and 435 members of the House are to serve the needs and wishes of t...

Clones from 1930’s Germany are Gathering in Milwaukee This Week

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must admit something to all of you. I have been honest when I talk about Trump, his party, and his supporters. There is no question that their policies and plans include the end of democracy, and replacing freedom with a fascist regime. Take a good look at Trump’s Project 2025. However, what I failed to recognize is the existence of reincarnated Nazis pretending to be Republicans is already happening. This is no longer a movement to create a fascist regime, it has been here for the last seven years and gaining power and support from the wealthiest people in our country. I don’t know why I failed to realize what I was seeing was reality, and not a “could be.” Right-wing politicians don’t just support Trump, they literally bow to him the same way Hitler’s inner circle deferred to his every demand. They are not allowed to have their own thoughts. If they disagree in any way with their Fuhrer, they are punished with attacks from “Big Adolf.” For example, when the ...


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Monday, July 1, 2024, an extremely corrupt Supreme Court took extraordinary action to aid Donald Trump’s hopes for winning the presidency. The 2016 election was rigged for Trump, and it’s happening again in 2024. The Court’s decision to give our presidents more power by placing them above the law, will be the final blow to the future of a free and democratic America. Our Founding Fathers made it perfectly clear that their creation of a Democratic Republic, with three “separate but equal branches,” therefore establishing a “check and balance system,” had a single purpose: to prevent any president from becoming a monarch or autocrat. This biased Court, with a 6-3 majority, destroyed their dream and gave fascists on the right side of the aisle an opportunity to rule over 330 million people. If the world ends on November 5 th with the election of Donald “Big Adolf” Trump, you will have had your last opportunity to vote in a free and fair election. I could lose m...

What Happened to Paul Ryan, the Man Charged with Saving the Once Grand Old Party?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you follow politics, and you should, you will most likely remember Paul Ryan for two reasons. When he agreed to be Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012, he prevented Romney from embarrassment. He was certain to be crushed in the coming general election. Ryan, once considered as the hope of the GOP in the 21 st century, failed to impress voters, and President Obama easily won a second term. The second reason to remember the reluctant Speaker of the House is his opposition to Trump’s candidacy in 2016. He denounced the legitimacy of a Trump presidency, and became a member of the “anybody but Trump” club. However, after his inauguration, Ryan bowed to Trump’s every unconstitutional and destructive demand. WHERE IS RYAN NOW? Ryan resigned from congress, but did not leave politics. He is now a member of the Board of Directors for FOX “the real fake news” News. Ryan continues to attack Trump, not for what he has done to our nation’s future, his constant violations o...

GOP Adopts More Fascist Policies Focused on Escalating Their War on Women

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The right-wing’s wars on minorities, the working class, the LGBTQ Community, women, and all non-Christians began during the Reagan Administration. Over the last 43 years these attacks on specific groups, all of which are protected by the Bill of Rights, have escalated thanks to the worst president in American history. His close ties with the leaders of Neo-Nazi groups, combined with his personal history, are the reasons America is now a divided nation. THE REPEAL OF ROE V WADE WAS AN ABOMIMATION: IT WAS AN ATTACK ON THE RIGHT OF EVERY WOMAN TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT HER OWN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Trump is bragging about his part in the repeal of a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court known as Roe v Wade. This is no surprise. He has no respect for womankind. He has been married three times, and had extramarital sex during each relationship. He has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 25 women. One of his closest friends was Jeffrey Epstein. He is...

This Story Should Make You Very Afraid About the Future of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I first wrote this in 2016, but I must make a similar statement today : “I cannot believe that the worst man in the world, and the worst and first illegitimate president in history can win in November.”   To offer an excuse, I was not aware th at Putin was interfering in our election to help Trump win the Electoral College in 2016.   This story is about American voters. I find it frightening and very disappointing that millions of our nation’s people are willing to vote for our country’s biggest traitor, who is a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in Amer ica, a homophobe, and Islamophobe, who is loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and does not believe in a God or any Religion .   This makes me ask the big question: is America worth saving. What kind of person would vote for Trump or his fascist party? They are not Americans. The fact that they hold the presidency to such a low level of ...