
Showing posts with the label Fascists

What Happened to Paul Ryan, the Man Charged with Saving the Once Grand Old Party?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you follow politics, and you should, you will most likely remember Paul Ryan for two reasons. When he agreed to be Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012, he prevented Romney from embarrassment. He was certain to be crushed in the coming general election. Ryan, once considered as the hope of the GOP in the 21 st century, failed to impress voters, and President Obama easily won a second term. The second reason to remember the reluctant Speaker of the House is his opposition to Trump’s candidacy in 2016. He denounced the legitimacy of a Trump presidency, and became a member of the “anybody but Trump” club. However, after his inauguration, Ryan bowed to Trump’s every unconstitutional and destructive demand. WHERE IS RYAN NOW? Ryan resigned from congress, but did not leave politics. He is now a member of the Board of Directors for FOX “the real fake news” News. Ryan continues to attack Trump, not for what he has done to our nation’s future, his constant violations o

GOP Adopts More Fascist Policies Focused on Escalating Their War on Women

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The right-wing’s wars on minorities, the working class, the LGBTQ Community, women, and all non-Christians began during the Reagan Administration. Over the last 43 years these attacks on specific groups, all of which are protected by the Bill of Rights, have escalated thanks to the worst president in American history. His close ties with the leaders of Neo-Nazi groups, combined with his personal history, are the reasons America is now a divided nation. THE REPEAL OF ROE V WADE WAS AN ABOMIMATION: IT WAS AN ATTACK ON THE RIGHT OF EVERY WOMAN TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT HER OWN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Trump is bragging about his part in the repeal of a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court known as Roe v Wade. This is no surprise. He has no respect for womankind. He has been married three times, and had extramarital sex during each relationship. He has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 25 women. One of his closest friends was Jeffrey Epstein. He is

This Story Should Make You Very Afraid About the Future of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I first wrote this in 2016, but I must make a similar statement today : “I cannot believe that the worst man in the world, and the worst and first illegitimate president in history can win in November.”   To offer an excuse, I was not aware th at Putin was interfering in our election to help Trump win the Electoral College in 2016.   This story is about American voters. I find it frightening and very disappointing that millions of our nation’s people are willing to vote for our country’s biggest traitor, who is a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in Amer ica, a homophobe, and Islamophobe, who is loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and does not believe in a God or any Religion .   This makes me ask the big question: is America worth saving. What kind of person would vote for Trump or his fascist party? They are not Americans. The fact that they hold the presidency to such a low level of morality offers pr

What Scurrilous Nickname Cannot be Applied to Right-Wing Politicians?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump enjoys making up ‘nicknames’ for his millions of adversaries. Most of them are silly and meaningless, but when you failed most of your classes in high school and college, this is the best you can do. I have many nicknames for Trump and his fascist party, and I don’t have to make them up, they are real and accurate nouns and adjectives. For instance, I have called Trump the orange buffoon, Trumpenstein, and with recent revelations about his idols, “Big Adolf.” His party is incompetent beyond belief, but that’s not all. They are pathological liars, extremists, unfit for office, and fascists. But the term which describes the entire party is “corrupt.” HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL Right-wing politicians have proven to be the opposite of “the party of family values.” Among their crimes are sexual deviance, numerous felonies, abandoning their promises to voters, choosing instead to support the super-rich, while ignoring the needs and wishes of their constituent

American Voters are Unhappy: Conservatives are Fascists, and Democrats are Cowards

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is virtually a fact that the primaries in 2024 are worthless. President Biden said he is running because Trump will be the Republican nominee. The only reason Trump is running is to avoid spending the remainder of his worthless life in prison.   The primaries have proven one thing, most Americans are not happy with the choices offered them in 2024, and I cannot criticize them for their displeasure.   However, the differences between the two old, white men are significant and obvious.   President Biden loves his country and his accomplishments for all Americans are impressive to say the least. He continues his attempts to unify our country and move our n ation forward into the 21 st cent ury. Our economy is growing faster than at any time since 2000. The facts prove that his successes greatly outnumber not only his immediate predecessor, but those of all three comb ined. He has been a working, patriotic, and American president.   Donald Trump has been