How the Supreme Court and Moscow Mitch McConnell Earned our Disrespect

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must admit here that this story is more about the status of women in America than how corrupt our Supreme Court has become thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Federalist Society. However, they are forever intertwined , a nd will likely be so for years to come. Mistakes Were Made I have watched multiple Supreme Court hearings held for the purpose of confirming or denying confirmation for Justices nominated by our president. I firmly believe that five of the current justices should never have been confirmed by the Senate. These justices were allowed to receive lifetime appointments because of the political affiliation, not for their judicial expertise . The hearings I remember most happened in 1991 and 2018. Unfortunately, I remain more disappointed with the mostly white, old senators who entirely discounted the testimony of two courageous women in support of the male nominees. Anita Hill vs Clarence Thomas In ...