
Showing posts with the label Violence

Remembering America: Why our Military, and Law Enforcement Support Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is clearly a fascist. This is an undeniable fact based on his own words and actions. You may still ask why our military and law enforcement support him. The answer is simple: both organizations are in fact fascist. They are controlled by dictators, and their operations depend on totalitarianism and extreme nationalism.   If Trump is reelected in November, he will immediately declare martial law, and place himself in power as a dictator, more accurately a Fuhrer.     He said it and his American Fascist Party supports it.   THINK ABOUT THE FACTS   When members of congress asked for assistance from our military during the January 6, 2021 , attempted coup, they declined.   Several members involved in the violent insurrection were current or former members of our military or law enforcement agencies.   Who can the people, who are America, turn to in our time of need?   The answer , no one. Now that the Supreme Court has been permanently corrupted in

Republicans Don’t Play Fair Because They Are Playing a Different Game

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you haven’t noticed; I have. If you ask any man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” a direct question, you will never get a direct answer. They will always redirect the question and offer their own opinion, their own agenda, literally refusing to answer a question they don’t want to answer. Some people might say, “they’re talking out of their asses.” But not me! If you know this current American Fascist Party as I do, you know that they live in an alternate world, and are playing a different game of political chess or maybe more accurately, political checkers. They exist on lies and misdirection. Their greatest enemy is the truth. RIGHT WING MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO BE IGNORANT There is only one qualification for employment at FOX News or to run for office under the banner of the Republican Party: you must be willing to constantly lie in support of right-wing extremist policies and your Fuhrer. They claim to worship T

How Low and Cowardly Can Right-Wing Extremists Become

h Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Unlike Trump’s personal Gestapo, Neo-Nazi organizations, the LGBTQ community is no threat to anyone, anywhere. They simply seek the same rights guaranteed to heterosexuals by the Constitution. So, let me ask you a question: “why should our government feel it necessary to issue a warning to the LGBTQ community who will be celebrating Pride Month in June?” Where is the time machine used to move America and parts of the world backwards into the 1950’s? Authorities warned US citizens abroad to "exercise increased caution". Violence against the LGBTQ community across our nation is also expected. "Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations," a warning issued by the state department said. IN JUST FOUR YEARS, TRUMP AND HIS AMERICAN FASCIST PARTY RECREATED AMERICA INTO A COUNTRY DOMINATED BY ANGER, HATRED, AND BIGOTRY Prior to 2017, the worst of America remained in the shadows, or in the slime at the bottom of cessp

In My Opinion, the Greatest Threat to Humanity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I will be the object of serious, angry assaults from thousands of people after I complete this article. However, I will cherish the. I have the ability to think clearly and independently, and then form an opinion. Then I am able to do the right thing, at least the right thing for me. Over the last 40+ years I witnessed the once private issue of religion become a political issue in America. Although the First Amendment specifically prevents the establishment of one religion as the true faith of the United States, one party has aligned themselves with the Christian Religious Right in direct violation of the first sentence of the First Amendment. I Am Offering my Opinions Based on Years of Personal Experience and What has Happened Around the World for my 77 Years Some of the most dangerous individuals to world peace and personal independence are Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Rabbis, Imams, and all other religious leaders. These men and women often place their person

End Genocide Everywhere Without Exception

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hatred is the darkest emotion and the greatest danger to mankind. When such a severe emotion controls a person or group, what follows is inevitable: violence and death. Hatred is sometimes personal, but frequently includes an entire race, other demographics, or religious sect. This is an act of pure ignorance and a low level of basic intelligence.  AMERICA HAS A 405 YEAR HISTORY OF RACISM AND BIGOTY Although it is true that our nation has a more than 400-year history of extreme racism and bigotry, which continues today, the United States is not alone in its crimes against humanity. Greed, jealousy, and envy pare segments of the ultimate and most despicable emotion owned by human beigns: hate. RELIGIONS WERE ALL FOUNDED ON PEACE AND LOVE IN THEIR ORIGIN Much of the world’s history involves violence between religions. Battles between Pagans and Christians led to the Crusades and war between Christians and Muslims. These bloody and senseless battles began in 1095 a

Is Anyone Afraid of a Cowardly Bully Named Donald Trump’s Meaningless Threats?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is desperate. He continues to face 91 indictments for felonious actions over 77 years. He lacks credibility and any manor of legitimacy in his lifetime of criminal activity. His crimes involve the fact that he is a sexual predator, a racist and a bigot. Other criminal actions include bribery, fraud, and tax evasion. Murder can be added for his failure to take action to save lives when he chose to ignore the dangers of an approaching coronavirus. Another Threat from the Leader of America’s Neo-Nazi Movement On Tuesday, while holding another of his infamous hate rallies, Trump threatened anyone who refused to vote for him in November with another “blood bath.” Personally, I welcome his threat. His “people” have proven themselves to be cowards who when faced with resistance will crawl back into the slime at the bottom of cesspools. All Bullies are Cowards, and Trump lost his Cojones Years Ago Trump is a draft dodger, and a coward like no other in

Trump is Nothing More than a Whiny, Old, Fat, White Man Who Cannot Keep His Mouth Shut

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The answer to the age-old question is, “ he’s so dumb he doesn’t realize he’s his own worst enemy.”   This perfectly describes your former illegitimate president, Donald John Trump.   The Most Hated Man in the World   We now know that the 2016 election was rigged in favor of Donald Trump . His partner in this heinous crime was his mentor, Vladimir Putin.   Women led our nation in the fight to prevent the worst man in the world from getting away with corruption.   A “women’s march” was organized for January 21, 2017, the day after the smallest inauguration in modern history. It was originally planned for Washington, D.C. However, large groups of women across America organized their own protests. My daughter and granddaughters participated in the March which took place in Fort Meyers, Florida. I was very proud .   A side story. On the way home to N aples, she told her daughters that our country had never had a woman president. The youngest , who was nine ye