
Showing posts with the label Women's Rights

America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World

A short list of reasons why America will never be a great country.   In the general election, your vote may not count. As long as the Electoral College exists, states will choose our presidents. The popular vote means nothing. Therefore, if your candidate does not win the majority of votes in most states, your opinion does not count. I believe this is a violation of the intent of the First Amendment. The United States is the only developed nation which fails to provide universal healthcare. At least one-half of all elected officials in Washington do not believe that you should have the same access to healthcare as they do. In support of billionaires/oligarchs, they consistently vote against any measure which would provide the best healthcare available for all Americans. Most developed nations provide free or low-cost higher education for all of their people. Not America. Only the wealthy can afford to attend a college or university in 2025. Each year we lose thousands of our nation...

If You Voted for Republicans Last Month, This is What You Paid For

I remember Republicans. As a 78-year-old lifelong Independent voter, I was offered a choice when I went to the polls. I admit that most of the time the Democratic candidate received my vote. The policies of most Republicans were too regressive, and my beliefs are more progressive. Change is always necessary, but sometimes change moves an entire nation in the wrong direction. Sadly, the once Grand Old Party took its final breath on the morning of January 20, 2017. It is an undeniable fact that between 2017 and 2021, the backwards policies of the Trump administration destroyed many of the accomplishments made over the previous 60-70 years. Hate crimes rose by 800 percent as Blacks, Hispanics, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and women in general were verbally and physically assaulted as your president continued to use rhetoric focused on fear, anger, and hatred. He encouraged violence in his name and his supporters eagerly responded. Domestic terrorism became the greatest threat to t...

Women Remain Second, and Even Third-Class Citizens

Our recent election proved three things. America is the most racist and bigoted nation in the free world, and it is also a nation which continues to celebrate its misogyny. Exit polls, unreported by the mainstream media, revealed an additional component for Trump’s controversial victory. A large percentage of voters claimed that they were doubtful that a woman could lead our nation. This once again proves that in the world of developed nations, the United States is the most regressive country in the world. Trump is the leader of the American Neo-Nazi movement. He is a convicted felon and a confirmed sexual predator. His organization, planning, and execution of the January 6, 2021 insurrection proves that he is America’s greatest traitor. For some reason Trump was not arrested immediately for his theft of national secrets, violating the Espionage Act, a law which applied to the Rosenbergs, who were executed in 1953. In Hitler’s Germany, women played a secondary role. In America they are...

Do We Need the Supreme Court?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The current Supreme Court is corrupt and useless to the American people. Five men and one woman are unfit to sit on our nation’s highest Court. They spend every minute overturning decisions by previous and legitimate Supreme Courts and lower courts which failed to serve the wishes of right-wing politicians. They proved their bias in support of fascist presidential candidate, Donald Trump when they granted him absolute immunity. They ignored the fact that the men who wrote the Constitution took great effort to prevent a monarch or dictator from ruling the New Nation. Our next “president” could be our last. Considering these irrefutable facts, do we need a Supreme Court? FACT: CONSIDERING THE BIAS OF THIS COURT, OUR NATION WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT IT It is clear that many of the decisions from lower appeals courts protect the intent of the Constitution, while six members of the highest Court in the land continue to remake laws in favor or the American Fascist Party...

Hello Kansas, Hello Fascism, and Good-Bye First Amendment

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From January 21, 2017, until today, I have witnessed at least one incident each day when a right-wing politician displays his or her preference for the end of democracy in America, and the institution of a fascist regime, with Trump as their Fuhrer. The latest happened last week when a split decision by the Kansas Supreme Court declared that the state’s Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote. [Justice Melissa Taylor Standridge called the decision troubling, with far-reaching implications, and that the ruling “defies history, law, and logic and is just plain wrong.”] [“For over 60 years, this interpretation of section 2 has been our precedent,” she wrote. “Without even a hint that it’s doing so, the majority overturns this precedent today.”] FROM THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE LAND TO THE FIRST TERM LOCAL POLITICIAN, THE CONSTITUTION IS UNDER ATTACK The right-wing is loyal to Donald Trump. It rejects the foundation for the existence if the United States, the...

Our Country’s Morals and Goals Should Return to the Ideals of 1960’s America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, let me inform you that I feel fortunate to have been an original “baby boomer.” What I have experienced in my life will never be repeated by any other generation. Everything from the growth of commercial air travel, to how we communicate in 2024 began in my lifetime. I cannot say that all of the changes are positive: human beings are far from perfect. However, as a septuagenarian, I will tell you that I was forced to learn about new inventions and how to use them many times during every decade. My education existed beyond what I learned in school. Every day life offered me more information than I could possibly learn in the few hours I attended classes. By the way, we read newspapers daily to learn what was happening in our country and around the world. Television news was in its infancy. Today, television “news” is more concerned about selling advertising than informing our nation’s people. ONE MAN CHANGED THE WAY YOUNG AMERICA USED FREE THOUGHT I began ...

Moving America Backwards Into the Times When Most People Were Uneducated and Completely Uninformed: No Intelligent Human Wants That

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must begin with an apology to the state of Arizona. No matter how hard you try, you can never be a part of the deep South. You can be as regressive as they are, but you didn’t exist as part of our nation until February 14, 1912. You have no idea what the Civil War was all about. As far as states go, you are a juvenile although you have an aging population. TRUMP WILL BE REMEMBERED AS THE REGRESSIVE AND ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT Trump attempted to destroy all the advances made in America over the last 80 years in four years. He had some success because he has a large number of supporters who choose ignorance over reality. Looking at every social issue, he is opposed to any effort to improve the lives of most Americans. Recently he revealed his position on one of the most important issues in 2024; well sort of. He said it should be left to the states. A presidential candidate must take a stand and be pro-life or pro-choice. However, the only right answer from anyon...

How the Supreme Court and Moscow Mitch McConnell Earned our Disrespect

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I must admit here that this story is more about the status of women in America than how corrupt our Supreme Court has become thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Federalist Society. However, they are forever intertwined , a nd will likely be so for years to come.   Mistakes Were Made   I have watched multiple Supreme Court hearings held for the purpose of confirming or denying confirmation for Justices nominated by our president. I firmly believe that five of the current justices should never have been confirmed by the Senate. These justices were allowed to receive lifetime appointments because of the political affiliation, not for their judicial expertise .   The hearings I remember most happened in 1991 and 2018. Unfortunately, I remain more disappointed with the mostly white, old senators who entirely discounted the testimony of two courageous women in support of the male nominees.   Anita Hill vs Clarence Thomas   In ...