Like “The Apprentice,” Donald Trump is a Fraud; the Biggest Con Ever Played on the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I often write about how a single diversion, a subtle change, can alter the future of a life, a nation, or the world. One of the greatest disasters to happen to America, and the world was revealed today in an article written by Bill Pruitt for “the Slate.’ This is a story about “the Apprentice,” and its enormous efforts to remake Donald Trump into a respected and admired man. Mr. Pruitt was a producer for the first two years of “the Apprentice.” All employees were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement preventing the release of any information occurring when the cameras were turned off. Now, 20 years later, and with Trump in court for a crime involving an NDA, Mr. Pruitt is exposing the “Real Donald Trump.” CREATING A FAKE DONALD TRUMP The producers knew that if the show was to succeed, Trump would require a drastic makeover. Although he was well-known in New York as a slimy businessman, desperate to become important and relevant, this could not be the man v...