I Can Remember a Time Long Ago When Some Republicans Did not Lie All of the Time

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “BT.” That is what I call America “Before Trump.” It was undoubtedly a different, kinder, and more intelligent country. I live in Northern Nevada. I was watching television when a Republican ad was broadcast. It accused Democratic Senatorial candidate, Jacky Rosen, of many things, not one of which was based on fact. Lies, lies, and more lies. It made me angry, because nothing upsets me more than being lied to, especially because I am an educated and informed voter. HONESTY, THE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, AND A WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR COMPROMISE ARE LONG GONE Why are the tactics which worked so well in a Democratic Republic no longer used in Washington? The truth is so simple, it may surprise you. After eight years of the Reagan administration, which included the beginnings of wars on the working class, women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, and all religions not labeled “Christian,” the American people sought a more progressive path for our nat...