
Showing posts with the label Criminal

No Official Position, no Security Clearance, Musk Should be in a Federal Holding Cell

  Allowing Trump’s co-conspirator’s access to anything happening in the West Wing is a violation of so many laws I lost count. Most importantly, his interference in our government is a violation of the Constitution. The fact that Musk is or will be in possession of classified material is a violation of the Espionage Act. Musk is violating every law which involves private and personal information. He has no legal access to anything involving our government, and most importantly the citizens of our nation. Trump cannot legally grant Musk access to information which is not public knowledge, and for which he has not received a security clearance. This failed car manufacturer is a Nazi who has invaded our nation’s most guarded secrets. Trump’s second illegitimate presidency is a travesty of justice and a violation of the Law of the Land. The Nazi leader is a clear and present danger to the future of our nation. He is THE domestic enemy. His alliance with our country’s 756 oligarchs will...

Trump is not Just Following Project 2025, He is Mimicking Mein Kampf

Welcome to the Nazi State of Donald Trump. A traitor is living in the White House and he is remaking our government into the image of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. We know from past revelations that Trump holds great admiration for Adolf Hitler. I have been warning our nation’s people for years about the dangers of a second Trump presidency. However, I heard many people in denial, claiming “it won’t be that bad.” They were correct: it’s much worse. Musk is taking control of multiple government functions, without Senate confirmation or a security clearance. What the fuck is our useless government doing about these illegal actions? Not a fucking thing. The DOGE is not real or legal. Someone must have the cojones to say to Trump’s face and say, “fuck you.” I am angry and I will not be like our elected officials and sit here and watch Trump and his Nazi army destroy my country in the light of day. Someone must yank him out of our White House, walk him to the front lawn, and hang his fat ass ...

I Remember When America Was a Strong and Moral Country

The date was September 9, 1956. I was a ten-year-old boy and was somewhat excited. On that Sunday evening, the young man I had heard so often on the radio was scheduled to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. There was one problem. The censors convinced the network executives that some viewers would consider the way Elvis Presley moved “immoral” and “indecent.”  An agreement between all parties resulted in Mr. Presley being televised from the waist up. Like everyone else, I became a fan for life. How things have changed. In twelve days an old, obese, convicted felon who cheated on all three of his wives, is accused of sexual assault by more then 25 women, and paid hush money to an adult film star to hide his immoral action from voters, will become our nation’s 47 th president: but not mine. Our country has lost its morality and is no longer a respectable  nation. Think about this honestly: does any man or woman with just average intelligence believe that a sexua...

15 Days of Democracy Remain

I remember how I felt on this day, eight years ago. I had not fully recovered from the disastrous results of the 2016 rigged election, but I was trying to be positive.   I hoped that Trump might not be a s dangerous and destructive as I anticipated. I was very naive.   When I watched the “lowlights” of his very sparsely attended inauguration, wh at little hope I had began to disappear. He spoke in negative te rms, telling everyone how horrible the United States had become. What he was ac tually doing was telling the American people how unpl e asant  he planned to make life for the average m an and woman in America.   A few days later, he issued his first executive order. Of course, it violated the Constitution. Trump attempted to ban all Muslims from entering our nation, with the exception of his friends in Saudi Arabia.   A short time after that, I learned that he was violating the Emoluments Clause. Trump retained control of his foreign business intere...

Beelzebub Doesn’t Care About Laws: They Simply Don’t Apply to Him

Millions of Satanic Worshipers are anxiously awaiting the return of Beelzebub on January 20, 2025. The ruler of the underworld: everything that is destructive and harmful to the average American: will finish the job he began between 2017 and 2021. Yesterday, the judge who presided over Trump’s “hush money” trial, Juan Merchan, announced that Trump will be sentenced for his 34 felony convictions on January 10, 2025. However, he will not be imprisoned, fined, or even face probation. Instead, he will receive “unconditional discharge.” Trump is demanding a dismissal of all charges based on his stacked Supreme Court’s decision about presidential immunity. However, Jude Merchan offered this ruling. "To vacate this verdict on the grounds that the charges are insufficiently serious given the position Defendant once held, and is about to assume again, would constitute a disproportionate result and cause immeasurable damage to the citizenry's confidence in the Rule of Law," the rul...

How America Lost its Values, Morals, and Principles Over the Last 78 Years

I was born on July 7, 1946; an original baby boomer. My mother gave birth to me in Lewiston, Idaho. Just before my sixth birthday, my mother, father, little brother, John, my maternal grandparents, and my mother’s youngest brother moved to Los Angeles, because that’s where the jobs were. Several years later, my mother and father divorced. My mother rented a small apartment very near my grandparent’s home in West Los Angeles. My mother was a single parent, and therefore a working mom. My grandparents and my uncle were role models and helped raise my brother and me. We were a Catholic family. Besides going to church every Sunday, we went to “novena” on Wednesdays, and every celebration associated with Christmas and Easter. I went to ‘confession’ every week. From my grandfather I learned the most important things in my life: kindness, acceptance, respect for everyone in my life, a high moral standard, and a work ethic like no other. At the age of ten, I began an interest in politics. I di...

Do You Know Anything About the “Real Donald Trump?”

I’m sure that between 75 and 80 percent of voters who cast their ballots for Trump pay no attention to what happens in Washington, and know nothing about the “real Donald Trump.” I begin with yesterday. Trump does not honor our fallen soldiers on Veterans Day. He openly calls them “suckers” and “losers,” asking, “what was in it for them?” On January 20, 2025, he will once again become their Commander-in-Chief. In 2017 Trump had transcripts of his time at a military boarding school and Wharton Business College sealed. Why? Just listen to him speak. He is virtually illiterate, lacking the mental ability to pass his courses. His degree, like his military deferments, were bought and paid for by daddy Fred. It is a well-known fact that he cannot read a document with complete comprehension, including the all important Presidents Daily Brief. After leaving Wharton, he went to work with his father in his New York apartment business. As a rental agent, his orders, which he eagerly accepted, wer...

I Knew it, You Knew it, and Now the Government Reveals What it has Been Hiding From Us

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First a fact which confirms how corrupt the government of the United States has become. For decades those who are intended to serve all Americans in Washington hid corruption including grievous felonies from the voting public. Most recently our failed politicians hid the fact that Russia was interfering in the 2016 election in support of Donald Trump although they knew the truth prior to election day. The results of Robert Meuller’s investigation into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign team required years to complete. When it was “released” to the public, Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr retracted it so heavily it was unreadable. His intention was to hide the truth. Today, October 2, 2024, the American people were allowed to know condemning facts about Trump’s failed coup attempt on January 6, 2021. If you watched the darkest day in America’s history on television as I and my wife chose to do, you have no illusions about what we saw with our...

Failed Businessman to Failed Illegitimate President: A Loser is Always a Loser

Op-ed by James Turnage History offers the truth: Trump is a failed businessman who was saved by bailouts from both the Saudi Royal Family and Russian Oligarchs. He and George W. Bush share one commonality: they both failed at everything they attempted in their lives. You say, “what about the presidency in 2016?” A senate committee confirmed in 2022 that Vladimir Putin’s interference was much greater than reported. Trump’s Electoral College victory was secured by wins in three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Massive efforts on social media in those three states resulted in a lower voter turnout than expected. Trump won all three states by a total of less than 80,000 votes. However, if we go back to October of 2016, our own government aided Trump in his EC victory. A meeting was held in the White House one month prior to the election. In attendance were the 12 leaders of our nation’s security agencies, the leaders of both political parties, President Obama, and Vice-Presid...

A Desperate and Childish Level of Desperation is Evident in Trump’s Camp

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart At first, Trump labeled Ms. Harris, “Laughing Kamala.” I took that as a compliment. She is positive, upbeat, and enjoys campaigning. When that failed, Trump searched his little brain for a new “nickname.” “People vote with their STOMACH, and food is now at an all-time high because of Kamabla/Biden INCOMPETENCE. With them in charge, IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social Monday night. That’s right, “Kamabla.” What would be considered a typo from any other politician appeared in four of the former president’s posts over the course of Monday night. “Kamabla Harris is afraid to Debate me on Fox News. She will be easier to defeat on the Debate Stage than Crooked Joe Biden, just watch,” he wrote in another post on Truth Social, referring to his outlandish pitch for an arena debate, so he could get out of one he’d previously agreed to on ABC News. “Kamabla,” whatever that means, is like all of Trump’s silly nicknames. He is a man without substan...

Matt Gaetz Must Try Harder: If Anyone Can Do it, He Can

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It’s clear to me one of the worst members of congress, Matt Gaetz, wants t o be exactly like his Fu hrer, Donald Trump. He just needs to try harder.   Gaetz remains under investigation for sex with a minor, and sex trafficking across state lines. It appears that he will be facing additional charges soon .   Gaetz: “The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me, which emerged from lies intended solely to smear me,” he  tweeted . “They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.”   Of course he is lying. The Ethics Committee has not closed any investigation and is beginning new ones.   WHAT HE ALREADY SHARES WITH TRUMP   Like his master, Gaetz is a sexual predator. He shares another quality with “Big Adolf,” he lies constantly. He is a member in “good standing” of the fascist Freedom Caucus, and hates the country he promised to serve, protect and def...