
Showing posts with the label Economy

Some Very Stupid American Voters Say They Trust Trump more than Biden with the Economy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s look at the facts. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump nearly created a second Great Depression. In just four years he added more than 3.5 trillion dollars to the national debt. Over his first three years President Biden’s economic policy energized our economy to a level not seen since Bill Clinton’s administration. Inflation, caused by greedy corporations, Trump’s friends and supporters, is in decline. And yet some Americans trust Trump. It’s not okay to choose ignorance over the truth. NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO PRODUCE ONE FACT ABOUT ONE ACCOMPLISHMENT MADE BY TRUMP IN FOUR YEARS Trump bragged about the accomplishments President Obama put into place during his eight years. The facts prove that his only “accomplishment” between 2017 and 2021 was in the form of permanent tax cuts for the super-rich and the large corporations they own. His policy of “do nothing” other than golf, party at Mar-a-Lago, hold hate rallies, and watch television added trillions of dollars

Sometimes I Think No One is Paying Attention and That’s How Republicans Like It

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump and his pretend Republican Party fear one thing more than anything else: the truth. I am saddened that I don’t have a million followers who cannot wait to read my blog daily. However, I will tell you once again about the most important issue in every election year, the economy. I’m going to take you back to 1981. Republicans would like you to believe that Ronald Reagan was a great president. This is far from the truth. In my estimation, he is listed in the category of the five worst presidents in history. The Corruption Which Exists in Washington Today Began in 1981 The truth about Reagan is revealed in his domestic policy. Reagan was the first Republican president to demand unquestioned loyalty from his party. Free thought and opposition to our 40 th president’s policies were forbidden. The entire right side of the Capitol Building was united against the left side, and occasionally each other.. It was Reagan who began the wars on the working class

Once Again, the Mainstream Media is Hiding the Truth from the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If the former Fourth Estate was performing as intended, President Biden’s approval rating would be in the 60’s or higher. Our nation’s economy is better than it has been since 2001. The United States once again has the strongest economy in the world as it did prior to the George W. Bush administration. Three Democratic Presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, rescued our nation from the fiscal incompetence of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Over the last 43 years Republicans offered irrefutable facts that they are incapable of governing 330 million people. They continue to serve special interests while ignoring the needs and wishes of 95 percent of our nation’s people. The Best of the Best Clinton left office in 2001. For the first time in decades our nation’s treasury registered a surplus; completely out of debt. Obama left office in 2017. He repaired the damage caused by Bush 43’s failed fiscal policy of “trickl

How Republicans Failed the American People Since 1981 with Economic Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Reagan, Geoge H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all implemented the most failed economic policy in history. “Trickle Down Economics,” the policy which Reagan called “Supply Side Economics,” was created by your failed 40 th president, claiming that if the rich have more money, they will create good paying jobs for the American people. This was the biggest pile of bullshit in American history. The super-rich simply placed their additional profits in offshore accounts, or in the purchase of additional mansions or islands.    When Reagan left office in 1989, his failures left our nation in debt for more than a trillion dollars. Two Bush’s and a Trump continued this failed policy, and nearly placed our country in another Great Depression.    In 1993 Democrat Bill Clinton bailed out Reagan and George H.W. Bush. When he left office in 2001, the national debt had been erased, and our national treasury experienced a surp lus.    In 2009, Barack Obama saved

Facts, not Fiction: Last Two Republican Presidents Bankrupted America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Bill Clinton left office in 2001, our nation no longer had a deficit. He eliminated the national debt and left his successor with a surplus for the first time in many years. However, George W. Bush placed our nation in two costly and unwinnable wars. His fiscal policy, originated by Ronald Reagan in 1981, known as “trickledown economics,” failed miserably. These factors led to the Great Recession and the destruction of the housing market. However, the super-rich continued to receive huge tax breaks. Their numbers grew under the failure of another right-wing president. Trump reduced taxes once again on corporations and the wealthy. When he failed to lead our nation in the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus in 2020, another recession neared and our economy crashed once again. He left the economy in shambles for President Biden to repair. He, too, chose a policy of trickledown economics. The lesson I give you is simple and proven by historical fact. The