
Showing posts with the label Politicians

There are More Than Eight Billion, 45 Million Unique Stories in the World

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Not a single person in the entire world shares the exact same story with another. Humans are given free thought and free will, and no one shares another person’s mind completely. Therefore, if we listen really hard, we will find more than eight billion, 45 million unique stories around the world. In my experience, most people have one huge fault, they are quick to judge others without knowing them. No one can truly know someone else if that person refuses to expose their innermost selves to another. Some of the most judgmental people I know call themselves “Christians.” Therefore, they must not have the right to call themselves Christians. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ instructed his followers: “Judge not lest ye be judged,” and “Only God, the Father can judge men.” I learned more about this lesson after the passing of my father-in-law. I knew he was a good man who I respected and liked very much. However, at his celebration of life the churc

Politicians Claim: “America is the Greatest Country in the World,” But the People Say ‘Bullshit’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s take an honest look at America in the 21 st century. Where do you think our nation stands on issues which are most important, and where do you think one-half of our dysfunctional government stands? This rating includes 15 nations included in an overall rating of quality of life. Here’s a clue; the United States does not rate first in any category. Inf fact, we are last in the group at number 15. However, in the free world America is ranked 23 rd in healthcare. Only wealthy Americans receive the finest care because only the wealthy can afford the most expensive medical services and personnel available. Even for working class men and women who have healthcare plans at their place of employment, co-pays create hardships for millions of our nation’s people. Our failed healthcare system has become the most expensive and inefficient in the world. I, personally, had two friends die in a hospital after being misdiagnosed. America is the only nation in the worl