
Showing posts with the label Freedom Caucus

Matt Gaetz Must Try Harder: If Anyone Can Do it, He Can

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It’s clear to me one of the worst members of congress, Matt Gaetz, wants t o be exactly like his Fu hrer, Donald Trump. He just needs to try harder.   Gaetz remains under investigation for sex with a minor, and sex trafficking across state lines. It appears that he will be facing additional charges soon .   Gaetz: “The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me, which emerged from lies intended solely to smear me,” he  tweeted . “They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.”   Of course he is lying. The Ethics Committee has not closed any investigation and is beginning new ones.   WHAT HE ALREADY SHARES WITH TRUMP   Like his master, Gaetz is a sexual predator. He shares another quality with “Big Adolf,” he lies constantly. He is a member in “good standing” of the fascist Freedom Caucus, and hates the country he promised to serve, protect and defend.   He shares a long list of vi

In the House the War Between “Republicans” and Trump’s Freedom Caucus Rages On

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you know anything about politics in America, you know that the 42 men and women in the House calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus” support  policies which are so far to the right they mimic Adolf Hitler’s playbook in 1930’s Germany. Their loyalty is to their Fuhrer, Donald Trump, not to the people of the United States of America.   Of the 176 who call themselves “Republicans” most are members of another extremist group, calling themselves the “TEA Party.” Those remaining are a mix of moderates and confused right-wing politicians.    WHO REALLY BELIEVED THAT MIKE JOHNSON WOULD MAKE A GOOD SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE?   The Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson. Johnson is a Trump puppet and a member of the Freedom Caucus.    Recently Johnson pissed off his own Klan members by supporting aid for Ukraine. The Freedom Caucus is notoriously famous for their support of Trump’s puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. In an obvious move to appease his fellow FC cronies, he made a m

“Facts” Can be Twisted, but Common Sense Cannot

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s happened to everyone, more than once. A situation, a conversation, maybe a pitch by a salesman. All we knew was “something didn’t seem right.” I learned that sometimes common sense must take precedence over everything else, or suffer the consequences. One of the reasons why anyone ignores facts, probably responding, “I don’t believe that,” is because common sense has become uncommon in 2024. GUILTY, GUILTY, AND GUILTY Communication in the 21st century is instant and often infused with facts, undeniable facts. However, millions of Americans have lost their ability to accept reality. In a court of law, facts can be twisted. The same is true with “news” broadcasts and podcasts. To gain an individual’s confidence, tell them what they want to hear. Just ask any professional politician. As a writer, my philosophy has always remained the same. When I am presented with a story, I neither believe nor disbelieve its veracity. I look at the facts, but even then, I loo

Trump is a Criminal, and the most Hated Members of his Fascist Party Will be Joining him in Court on Tuesday

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Our government is literally worthless. It does nothing of importance or in service to the American people. The 118 th Congress began in January of 2023. A total of 59 federal laws were passed, although the average per year is between 200-600. Most of the blame for doing nothing lies squarely on the limp and cowardly shoulders of Republicans in the House of Representatives. A perfect example of how right-wing extremists waste your time and money will happen today in New York. Members of the House Freedom Caucus will sit in a courtroom in support of their Fuhrer, Donald Trump. “Big Adolf” is charged with several felonies which involves paying “hush money” to an adult film star. The purpose was to prevent the American people from learning about his acts of infidelity prior to the 2016 election. How dignifying! This is where members of your government will be today instead of earning their paychecks. APPARENTLY, WE DO NOT NEED ALL 545 ELECTED OFFICIALS IN W