In America, Apparently Anyone Can be a Judge

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Times changed, but I was slow to change with them. Until about 15 years ago, I trusted most of our elected officials in Washington , the majority of law enfor c ement, and had unfettered faith the judicial branch of our government. Then everything began to change. I answered an ad on the internet placed by a Las Vegas based newspaper. I applied and was accepted as a freelance writer. I have always loved to read, and reporters are required to read a lot. There is little truth on television, and not much more on the internet. However, when you seek the truth, it is available with a little extra effort. Eventually, everything I thought I believed i , now demanded more scrutiny. I became interested in politics at the age of ten. It was natural for me to spend most of my time searching for the truth, which is hard to find in Washington. The more I searched, the more I found disappointment. There are very few elected officials who have p...