2020 and 2024; Two Historical Elections and Possibly the Last

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s disgusting and destructive four years attempting to destroy democracy resulted in a record and historical voter turnout in 2020. It is an irrefutable fact that voters were more concerned with removing Trump from the White House than supporting Joe Biden. However, I am as surprised as anyone that Mr. Biden has been a very good leader, the opposite of his predecessor. The next presidential election is just over 11 months away. If the nominees are Trump and Biden, I predict another historical election. 2024 will have the lowest voter turnout in modern history, and because the number of voters will minimal, Trump will become our nation's first fascist dictator. Nobody should be forced to chose between two men who are 78 and 81 years old when the average age of our nation is 38.2 years. I will be 78 next July, and if forced to make a choice between these two old men, I would vote for the octogenarian, although I would not be happy. Physically, and menta...