
Showing posts with the label Party of No

Please, not Another Old, White, Trump Crony

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Moscow Mitch McConnell is stepping down as the Republican leader in the Senate. At the age of 82, this is something he should have done more than a decade ago. He is the creator of the “party of no,” and the reason congress has failed the American people for the last 15 years. It is he who stacked the Supreme Court after creating policies which he threw aside for personal benefit in October of 2020, just days before the general election. I will be very pleased to see him go. His “party first” policy is why our government is dysfunctional today. The people of Kentucky gave us this mess for the last 40 years. His obstructionist policies are legendary. When Chuck Schumer became the Senate Majority Leader hundreds of bills remained on his desk which Moscow Mitch refused to put up for a vote. Many of these bills would have improved the quality of life for most Americans, and many involved improving the lives of our military personnel. Although I will be pleased to se...

The Annual Right-Wing Bitch-Fest Began on Thursday

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you want to see Donald Trump’s America, watch the “highlights” of the annual bitch-fest known as CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, over the next few days. However, if you have high blood pressure, or a heart condition, listening to men and women who have a lower-than-average IQ, and hate their country, may result in a cardiac event or even death.   Today's Ringmaster is Also a Clown The leader of all right-wing politicians received an award this week. In a rating from first to 45 th , Donald John Trump received the much-deserved title of “worst president in history.” If he’s the best they have to offer, take a moment to think about how disastrous the rest of his party would be if allowed to defile the White House.   The truth is simple and irrefutable. Not a single man or woman calling themselves a “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation, and most, like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Loren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted...

Your Fake Republican Party at its Worst

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart They whine, they yell, they attack, they lie, they are idiots. I’m talking about the entire group of men and women who call themselves “Republicans” today. There are less than a handful of true Republicans in Washington today, most disappeared when the party imploded on January 20, 2017. Thanks to the “party of no,” created by Moscow Mitch McConnell in 2009, only 34 bills were passed in 2023. The normal number of bills passed in every year ranges between 200 and 600. Right-wing politicians whine about Democrats who oppose their fascist agenda. In what has become a rare situation in our nation’s capital, a bipartisan bill was passed last week. Those sitting on the right side of the aisle have constantly demanded better border security. Now that the bill has passed, and the orange buffoon voiced his opposition, these same fake Republicans are opposing the very bill asked for and agreed to. What the f**k! How stupid has the once Grand Old Party become? Obviously, t...

Republicans Continue to Place Politics in Position Number One and Refuse to do the Jobs for Which They Were Elected

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Since January of 2009 Republicans in Washington have done nothing. Although they were elected to serve the needs and wishes of the American people, they ignore the voting public and focus on special interests and their own ambitions. In 2016 House Republicans spent most of their time on baseless attacks against Hillary Clinton, desperate to win elections. This cost taxpayers millions of dollars and unfairly poisoned the credibility of the most qualified presidential candidate in history. What our country received was the least qualified lifetime criminal in history claiming the title of President of the United States. In January of 2009 Moscow Mitch McConnell and then Speaker of the House, John Boehner, stood before the cameras and swore that “their party would do nothing until ‘that man’ was out of office.” They continue to keep that promise although President Obama left office in January of 2017. 2023 has exposed the incompetence and unw...

No Intelligent American Would Be a Member of Today’s Republican Party in Name Only or Watch Fox News

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I am not an elitist. I never graduated from a college or university. I am nothing more, or less, than a 77-year-old man who has decades of experience and had the fortune to enjoy reading. I am what can be considered ‘self-educated.’ I try very hard not to be judgmental, but what I see happening in my beloved country and around the world in the 21 st century is unacceptable and frightening. Common sense seems to have been tossed aside and tyrants have become gods worshipped by the ignorant and uninformed. The United States is no longer the shining star, the epitome of what a democratic, free nation should be. It has morphed into a society more concerned with corporate profits than the quality of life for its people. Freedoms are in decline as fascist politicians seek control over our daily lives in the name of Christianity, and white power. Republicans believe they have the right to rule over us. They no longer believe that their purpose is to serve the ne...

Republicans, What Are They Good For? Absolutely Nothin’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On this day, 9-18-23, what are House Republicans doing? They are focusing on two things. First, they want to impeach President Biden, although there are no valid reasons. Second, they want to put thousands of American out of work by shutting down the government. I ask you, what good will these two actions accomplish for the American people? Who in the hell are these guys? Why are they in Washington? Over the last 14 years the men and women who call themselves Republicans have earned the label of “the party of no.” It is true that they have accomplished nothing of value since the inauguration of President Barach Obama, but a more accurate label would be “the party without purpose.” Today’s fake Republicans refuse to perform the jobs for which they were elected. The path they have chosen will destroy every positive accomplishment made by a real government over the last 60-70 years. The most accurate name for the members of the once Grand Old Party of today i...