
Showing posts with the label Transgender Americans

Guess Who: Egomaniac, Whiny Spoiled Rich Kid, Malignant Narcissist, Bully, the Most Hated Old Man in America

  He is very old and will be 80 in just 15 months. He wears a bad wig. He attempts to hide his lumpy skin with orange make-up. He is angry, filled with hate, and worships Hitler and Putin. Unable to accept even the smallest of criticisms, he flies into a rage easily. Still can’t name the man who is the focus of this article? I offer one more clue: he is the least qualified man in history to hold any public office. You got it! He is your 47 th president, but not mine: Donald “the Traitor” Trump. He is also known as “Don the Destroyer,” the late Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend, and “Putin’s Puppet.” There are many more, including my own, “Trumpenstein.” Every time I hear the name “Trump” I throw up a little in my mouth. When I hear his irritating voice I mute the television. The latter happens frequently because the failed mainstream media loves him and covers him constantly, although he is nothing but another boring, ridiculous, and sad reality show bad actor. Why am I writing this? ...

Any More Doubts About Trump and His Prejudicial and Fascist Party?

  One of the most American results of the 2024 election was the victory of Sarah McBride. The people of Delaware made history when they chose the first transgender woman to support them in the House of Representatives.S However, right-wing extremist and homophobe, Nancy Mace, from South Carolina, has introduced a bill which would prevent Ms. McBride from using the women’s restrooms in the Capitol Building. Once again, Trump’s “people” prove that my America no longer exists. Our nation has never been a great nation and likely never will be. How easily we forget the Declaration of Independence when it satisfies our personal and twisted beliefs. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the govern...

The Confusion About Religion in America is not Confusing

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Long before the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the new land, soon to become the United States of America, was a country based on confusion about religious affiliation and divided about its future. Eventually, our nation’s leaders decided that the term “religious freedom” would protect the right for all of its citizens to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. This was confirmed and protected in the first sentence of the First Amendment. Using Religion as a Weapon However, desperation within the right-wing of our political system has resulted in another form of extremism: religious bigotry. The Christian Religious Right controls the votes of all men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” As the right-wing’s base continues to diminish, they find it necessary to pander to anyone who will support their unpopular agenda. Real Christians Believe in the Teachings of Jesus Christ Let me offer you a bit of honesty. Evangelical lea...