Recognizing the Fact that the United States is the Most Dangerous Nation in the World, President Biden Works to Save Innocent Lives

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s not a big thing for those of us who know that domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people, but it’s a bigger step than any of his predecessors were willing to take. President Biden, who values human life unlike his opposing party, signed an executive order requiring comprehensive background checks for all gun sales at Outdoor Sporting Conventions which previously allowed unrestricted sales of weapons of mass destruction. A POORLY WRITTEN AND AMBIGUOUS AMENDMENT Gun nuts and the NRA gun lobby will be screaming about “Second Amendment Rights.” Once again, I call bullshit. The safety and security of the many negate the complaints of the 10 percent of Americans who own 90 percent of all guns in America. The Second Amendment is the most ambiguous amendment in the Bill of Rights. Demands from slave owners forced several drafts of the amendment, and that fact is why it is so poorly written. The facts are clear: nothing in the S...