
Showing posts with the label Education

America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World

A short list of reasons why America will never be a great country.   In the general election, your vote may not count. As long as the Electoral College exists, states will choose our presidents. The popular vote means nothing. Therefore, if your candidate does not win the majority of votes in most states, your opinion does not count. I believe this is a violation of the intent of the First Amendment. The United States is the only developed nation which fails to provide universal healthcare. At least one-half of all elected officials in Washington do not believe that you should have the same access to healthcare as they do. In support of billionaires/oligarchs, they consistently vote against any measure which would provide the best healthcare available for all Americans. Most developed nations provide free or low-cost higher education for all of their people. Not America. Only the wealthy can afford to attend a college or university in 2025. Each year we lose thousands of our nation...

Censorship Always Fails, Education Will Succeed

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For those of us who follow politics in Washington closely, it is clear that some politicians are just plain stupid. They understand nothing about human nature or how certain actions which failed decades in the past continue to resurface with the same results. One of these mistakes is an attempt to censor information, whether it be factual or nothing more than lies or conspiracy theories. In today’s world, if anyone seeks information about any subject it is not difficult to find, regardless of the efforts of some governments to hide the truth. BOTH AMERICA’S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND PARENTS MUST DO THE WORK There is no need for discussion about how critical the development of children between their preteen and teenage years into adulthood has become in the 21 st century. Although it has always been critical, in the age of unlimited information, based on fact or based on falsehood, what our children read or watch on television is confusing and all too often dangero...

Let Me Bitch About America’s Failure to Educate Our People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart America’s greatest failure is not our corrupt government in Washington, or the fact that Trump was allowed a win in 2016 although the election was clearly rigged, and the leaders of both parties knew it prior to November 8 th ... The greatest danger to our nation’s future is how we are failing our children. Our educational system is rated at the bottom of all developed nations. The following is just one report from a world organization. [America ranks 13th in education rankings by country based on 2024 data. The U.S. ranks 6th in reading, 10th in science, and 26th in math within the OECD.] This statistic is unbelievable for me, because when I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s, America’s educational system was ranked first in the free world.. SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEN AND NOW When I was young, the focus in school was on reading, writing, spelling, math, science, and in high school world and U.S. history. Other classes were included; art, sometimes music...

The Military of the Unites States is a Fascist Organization

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I enlisted into the United States Air Force in September of 1964. I was poor and couldn’t afford to attend a college or university. The man I met with to discuss my future guaranteed me that after my four years of service I would be able to find a career in civilian life. I informed my recruiter that I suffered from severe migraine headaches, but he said that would not be a problem. After my eight weeks of basic training at Lackland AFB in Texas, I was sent to Keesler AFB in Mississippi in November of 1964 to be trained as a “non-morse intercept operator.” This would require me to listen and record top secret messages in morse code at a base secluded from normal military institutions, and be given a top-secret clearance. Most disappointing was that when my enlistment was complete, I would not be able to transfer my experience into any civilian employment. My migraines became more severe and more frequent. After several visits with an Air ...

America has Forgotten how to Care for Its People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you are a working class American, the great majority, you know that the greatest President in history was undoubtedly Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His policies were focused on improving the lives of all Americans for 12 years. No other president has always placed people first. Over the last 78 years our government’s priorities have become corporate profits, and special interests who pay for the elections of our executive and legislative branches. You may not be aware of this fact, but there are less than a handful of lobbyists working for you and me in Washington. In the 21 st century, the super-rich have abandoned capitalism and now have complete control over our government. America has become a plutocracy. The quality of life for most Americans has declined thanks to “Greedflation,” growing racism, mass bigotry, proven by the enormous increase in hate crimes, misogyny, and a failure to care for our senior citizens. Most Americans have inadequate health...

Politicians Claim: “America is the Greatest Country in the World,” But the People Say ‘Bullshit’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s take an honest look at America in the 21 st century. Where do you think our nation stands on issues which are most important, and where do you think one-half of our dysfunctional government stands? This rating includes 15 nations included in an overall rating of quality of life. Here’s a clue; the United States does not rate first in any category. Inf fact, we are last in the group at number 15. However, in the free world America is ranked 23 rd in healthcare. Only wealthy Americans receive the finest care because only the wealthy can afford the most expensive medical services and personnel available. Even for working class men and women who have healthcare plans at their place of employment, co-pays create hardships for millions of our nation’s people. Our failed healthcare system has become the most expensive and inefficient in the world. I, personally, had two friends die in a hospital after being misdiagnosed. America is the only nation in the ...

Education in America is a Complete Failure

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over the last two decades studies prove that the United States is far behind other developed nations in quality of life, including education. History proves that the opportunity to receive a college degree opens doors which remain closed to less educated Americans. I am not claiming that every young American should attend a college or university. However, anyone who wants to extend their and education, their knowledge, should have the ability, the right to attend an institute of higher learning. One of the primary reasons America is falling behind other nations in several areas of economic development lies in the fact that the prohibitive cost of higher education prevents some of our most gifted young men and women from continuing their education after high school. Everything in America is about money. If America is to survive the 21 st century, our government must reverse its present course and end its obsession with corporate profits. I...