
Showing posts with the label Vladimir Putin

How the Supreme Court is Already Assisting the Trump Campaign

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It took our corrupted Supreme Court 15 days to decide if it would hear Trump’s bogus and outrageous claim that presidents have complete immunity. This decision was already decided after the Watergate break-in. Today they delayed the decision for seven more weeks. This delay is intentional and intended to give Trump more time to win primaries.   All Right-Wing Politicians are Loyal To Trump   Right-wing politicians in the legislative branch are loyal to Trump, not to the American people. They no longer serve the men and women who elected them. He has become the Fuhrer of The American Fascist Party.   All Three Hours of the Attempted Coup on January 6 Should be Shown to the American People Again   My wife and I Listened to Trump as he ordered his Neo-Nazi followers to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Then we watched actions of pure treason committed by American citizens. Not once in my 77 years could I hav

Carlson’s Interview of Vladimir Putin Indicates More Interference in our 2024 Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is no question, no doubt, that Tucker Calson is one of Trump’s biggest supporters, and therefore a traitor to the United States of America. No one can deny that Vladimir Putin is America’s greatest enemy, and the greatest danger to world peace in the 21 st century. These facts did not prevent Carlson from traveling to Moscow and conducting an interview with the fascist dictator. Carlson began his report by claiming that the mainstream media has constantly refused to seek an interview with Putin, unwilling to hear his side of the story about the invasion of Ukraine. However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who presumably helped arrange the whole strange venture, revealed that this was just another of Carlson’s many, many lies, designed to mislead the uninformed. “Mr. Carlson is wrong,” Peskov said during his daily briefing for reporters. “We receive many requests for interviews with the president.” And this was just the beginning for the disgraced former

Among Documents Stolen by Trump Included Proof that the 2016 Election was Rigged for Trump

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Hidden from the American people was a meeting held in the Oval Office about a month before the 2016 election. In attendance were President Obama, Vice-President Biden, the leaders of both parties from the House and Senate, and the heads of the FBI, NSA, and other agencies dedicated to investigations related to election security and attempts by foreign nations to alter the results of our elections. Evidence was offered by these agencies that Vladimir Putin was deeply involved in efforts to control the outcome of the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump. The very fact that this meeting was held remained hidden from the American people until the results of the election were confirmed. Trump secured a very slim victory in the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote by more than three million ballots. What remains hidden is how the principals involved in this meeting decided to hide the facts from the electorate. There is no doubt that if the peopl