DeSantis vs Trump? A Brainless Fascist vs a Fascist Traitor

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Thanks to Vladimir Putin, James Comey, the mainstream media, and millions of white supremacists, our nation’s people had four very long years to learn about the “real Donald Trump.” Not only was he revealed as a sexual predator, a lifelong criminal, and an obese old, white man who hated his country and planned to destroy democracy and create a fascist regime, two weeks prior to his eviction from the White House he proved to be our nation’s biggest traitor by attempting to overthrow the government of the United States of America. It is an undeniable fact that Trump will be remembered as the worst president in history forever. Never again can any man or any woman be allowed to devote their every effort for four years to destroy the country they were elected to lead. I constantly refer to Trump’s victory on November 8, 2016 as “illegitimate.” One story, which is now hidden from the American people by our government and a complicit mainstream media, proves...