
Showing posts with the label Corrupt Supreme Court

Separate and Unequal

  In 2024, the Supreme Court destroyed the most important part of our Founding Father’s creation. Our system of a Democratic Republic was intended to have three “separate but equal branches.” However, in order to prevent any form of monarchy, or autocracy, the least powerful of all three branches was the Executive: the presidency. This all changed in 2024. In 2017 Moscow Mitch McConnell and Trump began to “stack” the Supreme Court with what would become three unqualified justices who had promised to support the right-wing’s extremist agenda. This 922-page fascist manifesto is called “Project 2025.” The first major blow to democracy came on June 24, 2022. This dark day in our nation’s history will be remembered as the most vicious attack on women’s rights in a lifetime. Repealing a decision by a legitimate Court, 49 years in the past, removed a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health. Roe v Wade, federal protection for a woman’s right to...

I Will Never Stop My Criticism of This Corrupt Supreme Court

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Unlike the mainstream media, which reports important stories just once in 24 hours, but continues to retell stories which include sensationism over and over again for weeks, I will never stop criticizing today’s corrupt and biased Supreme Court. The decisions made by this Court, stacked in favor of the extreme right-wing’s ultra-conservative agenda, violate not only the exact wording of the Constitution, they also tossed aside the intent of our Founding Fathers. President Biden nailed it. “This decision,” Biden said, “has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away a woman’s right to choose to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation.” Their most recent decision regarding presidential immunity contradicts the most important effort by our Founding Fathers to prevent the establishment of a monarch or...

Lindsey Graham has Become a Whiny Little Bitch

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Before Senator John McCain’s death in 2018, Lindsey Graham was a somewhat rational man. It seems that the Senator from Arizona kept the little man from South Carolina in line, and influenced him to do the right thing most of the time. However, almost immediately after Senator McCain lost his battle with cancer, Graham began to offer his allegiance to the man his closest friend despised. I will always wonder why? Senator McCain was a man with principles and integrity. Trump is a man filled with hatred and cares only for himself. The reality is that Graham is now a man without morals who supports a man he knows is opposed to everything loyal Americans like John McCain stood for. A CORRUPT SUPREME COURT, FIVE MEN AND FOUR WOMEN, COULD BRING AN END TO THE DREAM OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS No sane human being can deny that just before the 2020 election Moscow Mitch McConnell stacked the Supreme Court with three additional justices who are politically bias...

Justice in Brazil, but No Justice in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Constitution of the United States is invalid, and apparently indefensible. Just look at the similarities and differences between what happened in America and Brazil. For most of my life the Constitution of the United States was my “bible.” Born in 1946, I was indoctrinated with patriotic ideals in church and school. I remain loyal to the precepts of our Founding Fathers, although I am aware that many mistakes were made during the Constitutional Convention between 1787 and 1789. They failed to understand the weaknesses of men. Our current government has bastardized the Law of the Land with the assistance of a biased and corrupt Supreme Court. A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM MADE A FARCE OUT OF THE JANUARY 6 INSURRECTION If you watched the three-hour debacle, you heard your illegitimate president order his Neo-Nazi followers to march to the Capitol and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. After telling them he would join them, Trump m...

Let’s Look at What is Happening in America Today: April 17, 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I can’t believe I’m writing this. This article is about a country I have never heard of, certainly not the country where I was born and raised. The subject matter is more about our country’s overall condition than individual events. Let me just say right up front that the division within our nation began in 2015. It has become so severe, the United States is currently engaged in a Second Civil War. Currently it is bloodless, but that could soon change. Trump’s supporters continue to accept lies as facts, not because Trump is a legitimate leader, because they agree with “Big Adolf” and his American Fascist Party’s plan for our nation’s future. His “army” is composed of different groups with a single bond: their fascist beliefs. We call them “Neo-Nazis” in 2024, but they could also be called “The Confederacy.” Regardless, their ambitions are the same. A DAY OFF: MORE TIME FOR A LONG NAP? Today, Donald Trump was not in a courtroom. It was a day off for  the lif...