Separate and Unequal

In 2024, the Supreme Court destroyed the most important part of our Founding Father’s creation. Our system of a Democratic Republic was intended to have three “separate but equal branches.” However, in order to prevent any form of monarchy, or autocracy, the least powerful of all three branches was the Executive: the presidency. This all changed in 2024. In 2017 Moscow Mitch McConnell and Trump began to “stack” the Supreme Court with what would become three unqualified justices who had promised to support the right-wing’s extremist agenda. This 922-page fascist manifesto is called “Project 2025.” The first major blow to democracy came on June 24, 2022. This dark day in our nation’s history will be remembered as the most vicious attack on women’s rights in a lifetime. Repealing a decision by a legitimate Court, 49 years in the past, removed a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health. Roe v Wade, federal protection for a woman’s right to...