Let’s Get Down to the Basics: Who is Best Qualified to Lead 330+ Million People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am one of the guiltiest people in the world. I have literally written hundreds of derogatory articles about Donald Trump, and his hypocritical party. I am not apologizing: everything I write is the truth. However, a general election must be about the candidates and what they will accomplish for all 330+ million people over the next four years. Let’s look at their qualifications and what these two octogenarians have accomplished over eight decades. TWO MEN, VIRTUALLY THE SAME AGE. WHO WILL BE ABLE TO SERVE THEIR COUNTRY, THEIR PEOPLE BEST? I know you are already judging me. I referred to both candidates as “octogenarians.” I am aware that Trump reached the age of 78 in June; I am exactly three weeks younger. However, trust me when I say that the difference between 78 and 81 is non-existent. When you are lucky enough to reach an age exceeding the national average, you become aware that age is truly just a number. Hopefully, you will maintain most of your ph...