“I Don’t Know How to Think, That’s Why I’m a Republican”

Op-ed by James Turnage The Party of Lincoln began a slow death in 1981. When Ronald Reagan became our 40 th president, he met with party leaders and made a single demand: absolute loyalty. His policies and vision for our nation were to be supported unconditionally, Dissent would not be tolerated, and if this demand was not accepted, their future elections would not be supported by him and every other Republican. This policy continued throughout the administrations of George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Insiders claim that most Republicans despise Trump, but fear losing votes from his cult. The sad truth is this oath to serve their party’s leader removes the First Amendment rights of all Republican politicians. America is all about the exchange of ideas and without free thought, and dissent, fascism has become an acceptable inclusion into the platform of today’s fake Republican Party. “Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agre...