Stop Shoving Your Religion in My Face

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you love your religion, and are serious about its teachings, I am not only happy for you, I would fight for your right to practice that religion. However, I cherish the First Amendment which guarantees my right to reject all organized religions, and forbids the influence of religion into our government. It is clearly written, and I demand that my rights are of equal importance to those who claim to be religious. America never was a religious nation, and never should be. Our Founding Fathers left England when King George III removed freedom of or from religion. This is why the first line in the Bill of Rights says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” RIGHT WING POLITICIANS, DESPERATE FOR VOTES, SEEK THE REPEAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT There is no doubt that the party on the right side of the aisle is owned by special interests. Their votes are bought and paid for by lobbies, with the use...