One Trump Lackey Down, Dozens to Go

, Tr Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I enjoy writing what is known as “good news.” Today is one of those rare days in the 21 st century. Trump pardoned many of the criminals he brought with him into the White House: Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, to name just a couple. However, today , Steve Bannon was in a federal appeals court attempting to have his conviction of Contempt of Congress overturned. Bannon was originally convicted in October of 2022, and now he is going to jail. Trump advisor, Peter Navarro is already serving time for the same crime s . Both men refused to honor a subpoena, requiring them to testify before Congress, and produce records from their time served in the White House. NOTHING WILL MEAN A NY THING UNTIL TRUMP IS BEHIND BARS A snake cannot die until its head is cut off. Trump’s cult will conti n ue to divide our nation until h e is locked up and unable to stand in front of the a ll too willin...