Professional Politicians Share One Trait: They Will Always Stand on the Side of an Issue Which Gives Them the Most Votes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart [All governments are bad, some are just worse than others.] This was a line I heard about seventy years ago, and remains accurate to this day. I was born in the United States, and therefore I can only attest to my own country and how it treats or mistreats its people. However, people around the world are virtually the same and want the same things for themselves and their loved ones. I can tell you one thing without reservation: the quality and competence of America’s government has declined throughout my lifetime. Professional politicians have become focused on greed for great power and great wealth, and less interested in serving the people of our nation. Over the last nine years, the quality of those leading our nation has diminished to a level impossible to describe. A major cause for our government’s demise is clearly on the shoulders of the electorate. Voting for a party, and rejecting the most qualified candidates has given us men and women who are not on...